Freaky and funky alert!
This post contains information about a little-known and truly cutting-edge technology that may seem far-out to some, but if you bear with me and try it out you may experience some amazing results.
The Telling-A-New-Story-Goddess has had remarkable experiences with this tool and it's time to share!
About a year ago I came across a posting on the internet about a scientific researcher who had created a new sound healing technology. He's found a way to map out the sounds and songs that cells "sing" to each other when in various states of physical and emotional health.
It's pretty astounding...
When you play those sounds (they sound like beeps and pings and weird computer-y sounds -- so I have taken to calling them "beep-beeps") to your body your cells begin to vibrate in synch with the "songs" and you experience various states of physical and emotional clearing and health.
Here are a few snippets from emails I wrote to Don Adams, the developer of these healing frequencies, over the past year. These reports speak to the power of this technology:
"I have to say I feel better than I can remember EVER in my life. I feel a deep sense of joy and ease and rightness that comes from inside me. Not a happiness based on external circumstances, for nothing has changed in my life (YET) other than my attitude.
I can't even explain the level of well-being I feel. I feel radiant and soft and confident and fabulous :)
I've been using Electric Blue Fire Star and the Get Grounded freqs for a few days. Mostly been listening at a relatively low volume.
Thank you Doc. A million thanks!
I look forward to the external effects that WILL follow my internal shift."
"I've noticed amazing effects in term of my mood and general feelings of well being and attitude. I feel more self confident, joyful, optimistic. I notice a feeling of connection to the universe and as if things are truly lining up on my behalf. I have actually felt truly, deeply joyful and also noticed a shell of old sadness that has been keeping the joy from fully expressing."
Now, fair warning, I am a very sensitive person. Energies affect me quickly and strongly. Not everyone who uses these frequencies has this intensity of effects so soon, but I sure did. And for that I am grateful.
If you feel called to investigate these tools, there are free demos available here. I'd love to hear how it goes for you!
Now you can start Telling A New Story at a cellular level!!!!!
This post contains information about a little-known and truly cutting-edge technology that may seem far-out to some, but if you bear with me and try it out you may experience some amazing results.
The Telling-A-New-Story-Goddess has had remarkable experiences with this tool and it's time to share!
About a year ago I came across a posting on the internet about a scientific researcher who had created a new sound healing technology. He's found a way to map out the sounds and songs that cells "sing" to each other when in various states of physical and emotional health.
It's pretty astounding...
When you play those sounds (they sound like beeps and pings and weird computer-y sounds -- so I have taken to calling them "beep-beeps") to your body your cells begin to vibrate in synch with the "songs" and you experience various states of physical and emotional clearing and health.
Here are a few snippets from emails I wrote to Don Adams, the developer of these healing frequencies, over the past year. These reports speak to the power of this technology:
"I have to say I feel better than I can remember EVER in my life. I feel a deep sense of joy and ease and rightness that comes from inside me. Not a happiness based on external circumstances, for nothing has changed in my life (YET) other than my attitude.
I can't even explain the level of well-being I feel. I feel radiant and soft and confident and fabulous :)
I've been using Electric Blue Fire Star and the Get Grounded freqs for a few days. Mostly been listening at a relatively low volume.
Thank you Doc. A million thanks!
I look forward to the external effects that WILL follow my internal shift."
"I just wanted to share my experiences with the frequency "Obsession Buster". I am not really going through any type of emotional issues in the present moment, but I have been doing some deep emotional clearing of old issues lately. I put on the Obsession Buster frequency the other day and immediately felt the effects. I felt heavier energies being lifted from me and I felt the cloud of heaviness begin to lift away. I continued to listen to this frequency -- sometimes with one or two others looped in (induce happiness and light and dispel negativity) for various amounts of time over the next few days and felt the emotional fog lift."
"I was listening again today -- lying down on my massage table right next to the speakers. Played Neuroteleportal, Space Warp, Bio-Sparkarama, and Hyperspace -- just one time through. It apparently doesn't take me much... On the first time through I got very relaxed and felt buzzing and great. My body spasmed a few times, which it does when energetic blocks are released. When it got to Bio-Sparkarama I began laughing uncontrollably. My partner and youngest son thought it was very funny. I felt deep energies clearing and lifting and the laughing just come through. When it got to Hyperspace I felt a lot of energy around my head and felt very relaxed again and as if I was in the midst of a deep healing session. My partner came over and asked what was going on because he saw beings working at my head and my feet. I felt their presence as well. Afterwards Michael, my partner, said my energy field looked much different. Apparently I often have an area of congested energy around the back of my head and it was shifted and more clear after the session. I definitely felt as if I had experienced a deep healing session.""I've noticed amazing effects in term of my mood and general feelings of well being and attitude. I feel more self confident, joyful, optimistic. I notice a feeling of connection to the universe and as if things are truly lining up on my behalf. I have actually felt truly, deeply joyful and also noticed a shell of old sadness that has been keeping the joy from fully expressing."
Now, fair warning, I am a very sensitive person. Energies affect me quickly and strongly. Not everyone who uses these frequencies has this intensity of effects so soon, but I sure did. And for that I am grateful.
If you feel called to investigate these tools, there are free demos available here. I'd love to hear how it goes for you!
Now you can start Telling A New Story at a cellular level!!!!!