Monday, January 26, 2009

Opportunities abound

Today has provided me with many opportunities to tell a new story.

By all accounts I "should" feel frustrated, scared, and uncertain -- many times over. And yet I feel just fine. Fabulous, in fact.

How can that be?

[Note: I am not telling you WHY I "should" feel those scary things, because that would be telling the old story and I've trained myself very well to keep my thoughts/feelings/words to those that will support my new story]

Because I know all is well. I know that everything is working out exactly as it should. I know that everything always works out for me. I am in love with seeing how this all unfolds.

I have come a long way, baby. And it is only going to get better.

I hope that my writing here over the next few months can assist and inspire you in gaining this peace of mind.

Life is good. All is well.

Many blessings --

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