I've had an incredible couple of weeks. Its been almost surreal. Miracles every day!
Some of the best examples...
A few days ago I won a $200 gift certificate to Pure Food and Wine through a contest that Shazzie Love sponsored in honor of her 40th birthday. My entry detailed the miracle of meeting the love of my life and the magical shifts I experienced from eating raw foods.
Yesterday I manifested a free bouquet of beautiful white tulips while I was walking down the street in Amherst MA -- someone I never met literally put them into my hands and said "I want you to have these."
And if you read my earlier post you know that Michael and I are headed to San Diego next month for a magical beach vacation.
People began approaching me at work telling me they had "randomly" seen my business cards and wanted to talk to me about my energy healing work.
I could go on and on listing the smaller miracles that have come my way every day-- including my work schedule "magically" shifting to exactly what I was wishing for.
How did I do this you might ask?
I just kept telling the story of where I was headed. I let go of the drama of the present moment. I let go of the "truth" that I was struggling financially. I let go of the "truth" that things were difficult for me.
I kept knowing and speaking the truth that I would win the gift certificate. I kept telling people that I was going to the beach this winter. I had NO IDEA how either of these would manifest, yet I just kept telling the story.
But there is more...I knew I needed to really hold that feeling good space...
I surrounded myself every day with uplifting messages of the Truth of my existence. I didn't leave any room in my being for the negative messages.
My MP3 player is loaded with the most amazing reminders from from Dr. Michael Beckwith and Abraham.
I've been diligent about posting magical, uplifting "status" posts on my Facebook account. So much so that people began accusing me of being a character from High School Musical. What does it say about our society that people who express too much joy are considered to be unreal?
Its all good though, I know I can live a life of joy and bliss whether or not others approve!
To be honest, I've been following Esther Hicks and Abraham since 2001. Its only recently that I've truly gotten the message that I only need to begin telling a new story.
I've been telling that new story for just a few short months now and I'll tell you now, things are shifting BIG time! That's why I am sharing this with you. I want us all to be able to shift into that dimension where miracles are the order of the day.
Will you join me?
This message might open you to that new reality...
I have been watching in the wings as your story unfolds for the last year+... You and I met in interesting circumstances, and since that meeting, both of our lives have begun to unfold in magical ways.
I too have been studying Abraham-Hicks work since 97, my life has taken many shifts toward the better, but, like you, I have been really understanding it all on a deeper level. I didn't really think it could get deeper than what i thought I had gotten from these teachings, but... well... it can.
I began to do some energy work with a woman named Kathy Fitzgerald, and WOAH.... really swiftly things are just expanding on such major proportions I am just blown away!
Last week, I decided that I was determined to go away this winter, I have a place to stay, an amazingly wonderful travel partner, and I had no ticket...
I thought, hey, why not let the word out, and give people the opportunity to gift me.
The first person who did, was You Sheri, and it was such a blessing, not just the money you shared, but the wholeness of your heart, and your completely selfless approach!
As I have been getting your emails and invitations to your workshops and meditations, I have wanted to go, something or another keeps it from happening. Haven't gotten one in quite a while, but when they arise again, I would liek to make a bigger effort.
Mostly because I want to hug you..
But also because I see some parallels in our lives and I just want to touch in.
You are magical and wonderous and your ability to keep the positivity up is AMAZING!
and the whole point of this journey yes? to give the beauty and watch it come back.
Thank you for this morning's inspiration.. I appreciate it much!
Hi Sheri- Thanks for the video clip and inspiration! I love your blog design too. I appreciate the opportunity to feel good, to share in your good feeling, in your unfolding story. You shine so brightly in my own story! And thanks to Michael for sending me the link :) joy- Nina
Hey Sheri! I thought the readers of this blog would love to read through an incredible article Joe Vitale posted on his blog. It's called "How to Attract Anything". Enjoy:
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