I just finished listening to a segment of an Abraham-Hicks workshop from Oahu, Hawaii on 11/29/08. I highly recommend the entire CD-set. I was guided to this particular workshop and I love myself for following that guidance -- wowza!
Hooray for me :)
Today while returning from the best breakfast ever with my 11 year-old son (Happy Birthday Colin!) I was especially inspired by a particular segment.
A man on the CD says he lives in Texas currently and that he wants to move to a certain street in Honolulu. He asks Abraham if he should just start telling people that he lives in Hawaii. In response Abraham offers advice on how to tell your new story if you don't quite believe the whole story yet.
The idea was to let people know you are in transition (whether it is in regard to employment, relationships, finances, or WHATEVER!) and let them know the story of where you are headed.
When Abraham finished the description of the new story for this man I was so jazzed I was beaming from ear to ear and my heart was shining in all directions.
I was G-L-O-W-I-N-G!
This was a fabulous story of a person who currently has some things in Texas, but was totally on his way to his life on a particular street in Honolulu.
And then, as if to just throw me over the edge, the next person who steps up to speak with Abraham at the workshop starts out by saying that lived in Texas a year ago, but now LIVES ON THAT SAME STREET IN HAWAII!
How much better can it get?!
So, I decided to utilize that story telling device and tell you all about the unfolding of my fabulously inspired career.
Here's my new answer for when people ask me what I do:
Well, currently I am in a transformational phase.
I've been studying and experiencing some of the best tools to assist people with their personal and spiritual growth for the past 15 years.And I love them all.
I am working a few odd jobs at the moment. But I am on my way to synthesizing all my experiences so that I can become a wildly inspirational guide for people wanting to live their fullest potential.
In my heart of hearts I know I am here to inspire people to live the life of their dreams. To empower people to take the next step toward their soul's purpose. I love nothing more than setting an example of bliss, freedom, and joy so that people can get a whiff of what is possible in life.
So, in the not-too-distant future you will see that most of my daily activities are focused in this direction and that abundance will be flowing to me through these activities and through avenues that I can't even imagine right now.
My main job is to feel the joy and ecstasy of life and to BE that example for others. I wake up each morning knowing it can be another day of joy and bliss and connection to my source.
And when others see me living this way they will ask "How do you do that?" and I will open my heart and my soul and share what I know.And the world will be a brighter place.
And as they agree to open to their potential and they face the clearing of old emotions and patterns I will be there to guide them and hold space for them as it clears.I will see their light and their truth and will hold that vibration for them.
That's what I do. Aren't you glad you asked?
Keep those cards and letters coming! I love hearing from you.
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