You've heard of affirmations, right?
Just in case you've been hiding under a rock, or are really new to this telling a new story stuff, I'll clue you in briefly about affirmations.
Affirmations are positive statements you make about yourself, your life, your friends, your finances. Statements that affirm your value and worthiness and inherent goodness. Statements that clarify what you are inviting into your life.
For example, "I love and approve of myself just the way I am."
Affirmations are fantastic.
Affirmations can assist in creating miracles.
(Though I am becoming more aware that what we call miracles are truly nothing more than us uncovering the reality of existence. We just think they are miracles because we so rarely open ourselves to the reality of life)
And as great as affirmations are, do you know what happens sometimes?
Sometimes they backfire.
Have you ever experienced this?
You get all psyched and do your affirmations -- "I love and approve of myself just the way I am. I love and approve of myself just the way I am. I love and approve of myself just the way I am. I love and approve of myself just the way I am."
Great! I did it!
If you don't believe the affirmative statement it can sometimes reinforce the lack of whatever you are affirming.
You can say the affirmation all day long, but if you don't feel the truth of the statement, if you are hearing your internal critic tell you all the reasons it's not true and could never be true...well it's not that effective.
Don't feel badly about it. It's just the way our minds work. It's difficult or impossible to just convince ourselves of something we don't already believe is true.
We need evidence to support our claims.
This is where afformations come into play.
An afformation is an empowering question you ask yourself that triggers your brain to search for evidence that it is true.
And as you gather evidence that it is true, you begin to trust and believe in the idea behind the afformation and big time shifts happen.
You will be telling a new story in no time flat.
So, an afformation related to the affirmation I used earlier would go like this:
"Why do I love and approve of myself?"
Ask yourself that empowering question.
Notice how your brain starts looking for evidence to support it. That's the beauty of afformations. Your brain will support you in changing your beliefs about yourself. You won't need to fight it, it will be your ally.
Once you start gathering answers to your empowering questions you'll be shifting your internal beliefs in a powerful way.
So, now that I have very briefly shared with you why affomrations are so potent and useful, I want to end with a little rampage of afforamtions for myself...
Feel free to borrow any of all of them...
OH! And I've found that mixing in questions that you already fully know the answers to along with the ones that you would like more evidence for increases the usefulness of the technique...
So, here goes...and know that repetition is just fine!
Why is my life so fabulous? Why do I have an ever increasing number of readers? Why does money and prosperity flow to me so easily and effortlessly? Why do I feel such joy in every moment?
Why am I able to find the best in everything? Why do clients and jobs and projects that inspire me just flow to me in such surprising ways all the time?
Why am I in such perfect health? Why does my relationship with Michael keep getting better and better every day? Why does everything I desire come to me in perfect timing?
Why am I so fantastically wealthy? Why am I sought after for my work throughout the world? Why am I so healthy and slender and strong? Why do all my relationships bring me endless joy?
Why do I have everything I have ever wanted? Why do I always remember my connection to the divine? Why does everything unfold in perfect time for me? Why is my heart so wide open?
Why do I know that a perfect house on the beach is on its way to me now? Why do I feel inspired to exercise daily? Why do I love everything about myself? Why is my patience growing exponentially in every moment?
Why do I have an unlimited supply of abundance that flows to me whenever I need it? Why is my life a perfect reflection of the joy I feel in each moment? Why do I have such a successful healing practice?
Why am I willing and able to stand in my power in every moment? Why are all my relationships a perfect reflection of the love and peace I have in my heart? Why am I traveling the world teaching and holding space for healing?
Why is my body at is perfect weight now? Why does everything in my life flow to me at the perfect time?
Why am I now smiling from each to ear?
Answer: Afformations!!!!
Go ahead. Try it now! Feel the love!
All love,
Hi Sheri,
Thanks for the post! I'm delighted you're enjoying Afformations too.
Since I'm the guy who invented The Afformations Method, I thought you and your readers might enjoy reading the first 3 chapters of my Book of Afformations totally free...
http://Afformations.comEnjoy :-)
~Noah St. John
Thanks for the link Noah! I sure am enjoying my afformations and am glad to help spread the word.
All love,
That is a very interesting Sheri and bound to have a positive and reinforcing effect.
Thank you for presenting this afformational information and examples.
So glad you enjoyed it Gene! I would love for you to share any experiences you have while using afformations.
Many blessings,
Just learning this new information has me so excited just to know that i can look forward to improving my life Thank You Thank You Thank You and God Bless
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