Here ye, here ye...
I'm back in the saddle again!
Yes, even the new story goddess has her other-than-fabulous days. LOL!
But that's okay.
Over the last little while I experienced some emotional ups and downs that were very uncomfortable and without explanation. It was a beautiful opportunity to get clear about how I truly wanted to feel.
A few days ago I decided to have an energy clearing session with Jeanette Wilson. She's a friend and colleague of Michael's.
What a HUGE difference just one session made! She's my new hero.
Jeanette was able to pick up on and clear core limiting beliefs that I had been trying to shift for years.
She cleared me of the feeling of being a burden on everyone in my life and the feeling that I was not safe in the world. Not too shabby for one session.
And she strengthened my ability to shine my light in the world and helped me to release the feeling of needing to dim my light so that others would feel comfortable. This one might take some more reinforcement, but I am getting there!
There were so many layers to the session that it would take me hours to write it all out. Long story short, it was amazing or I wouldn't be sharing it with you.
I felt like I completely new woman after the session. I was bouncy and inspired and shining from the heart once again. Hooray for energy clearing!
Remember that energy clearing is one of our 32 Flavors of Telling A New Story.
When we remember the tools we have available to us and put them to use, we can always feel relief. And eventually we can bring it back around to joy and bliss.
Here's the thing. Its okay to be feeling "off". And its even okay to tell that story for a bit.
Get clear on where you are now.
But don't stop there. Don't keep beating that drum.
Bring it back around to the truth -- little by little if need be.
Bring it back around to the truth -- little by little if need be.
I had another opportunity to practice Telling A New Story yesterday. Hooray for opportunities to practice!
I was getting ready to go in to one of my jobs. And I was resisting it. The old feelings of "will-anything-ever-get-any-better-for-me-and-will-I-ever-feel-truly-inspired-and-be-inspiring-others-and-have-a-career-that-allows-all-of-my-brilliance-to-shine-or-will-I-just-be-working-in-places-that-are-way-below-what-I-am-capable-of-and-slowly-dying-inside" Yeah, it was a heavy day.
But that's okay.
I was getting ready to go in to one of my jobs. And I was resisting it. The old feelings of "will-anything-ever-get-any-better-for-me-and-will-I-ever-feel-truly-inspired-and-be-inspiring-others-and-have-a-career-that-allows-all-of-my-brilliance-to-shine-or-will-I-just-be-working-in-places-that-are-way-below-what-I-am-capable-of-and-slowly-dying-inside" Yeah, it was a heavy day.
But that's okay.
Sometimes when the first glimmers of that feeling come up for me at work I play a little game. (I currently work at a bookstore/coffeehouse a few days a week.) I pretend I am God serving God to God. Dr. Michael Beckwith suggested this in one of his sermons and it has been a blessing for me nearly every day that I am at work.
Yesterday that heavy energy was stronger than normal and the little game was not enough. I was in a FUNK.
But that's okay.
How did I shift those feelings?
Do you know that story that Abe tells? If you are driving from Phoenix to San Diego and you are half-way there, in Yuma, do you start complaining that you are in Yuma and how you'll never get to San Diego and then turn around and go back to Phoenix?
Or do you stay pointed toward San Diego and know that as long as you keep pointed in that direction you will eventually get to San Diego?
Its the same thing with our lives...keep telling the story of where you're headed, even if you're not there yet!
Heh, the great thing is that we're actually headed to San Diego in a little over week. What a great metaphor! We're on the way baby!
With the support of my amazing partner Michael, yesterday I was able to shift that feeling of being "stuck in Yuma" within a short time and continue on my way to San Diego.
First of all, I resisted the temptation to beat myself up for feeling bad.
Next I let the emotions flow and began telling the story as I currently felt it. Then I began shifting that story into one that was closer to what I am wanting to create in my life.
With Michael's beautiful support and love I began to shift my internal dialogue. I kept reaching for thoughts that felt like they were pointing me toward San Diego (where I want to go) rather than sending me back to Phoenix (the place I am moving from).
So, now you know that the "Telling A New Story" Queen isn't always sunshine, lollipops and roses.
But that's okay.
I just keep pointing toward San Diego and enjoying the journey.
Send me your address and I'll send you a postcard from San Diego :)
Shining brightly,