This just came to me in the shower. There must be 32 Flavors of Telling A New Story.
Here's what I mean -- there are oodles of reasons to tell a new story, a whole lotta frameworks to guide your storytelling, and gazillions of methods you can use to construct your new script.
Perhaps I am exaggerating.
Or then again.
Maybe Not.
Actually, I am sure there are at least 32 "flavors" of telling new stories. I'll start a list of the ones I can think of and maybe you can help me add to them.
The descriptions here will need to be shorter than I'd love -- otherwise this would become a book. (Oh, note to self: writing a book might be fun!) [Oh there I go telling a new story!]
Okay, here's what I came up with, in no particular order...
1. Affirmations -- You are all familiar with this stand-by in the personal growth world. Using statements that reflect the circumstances, feelings, and/or events you are inviting into your life in order to shift your thinking/feeling on subjects that are other than pleasing to you. The description of myself on the right side of this page is an example.
2. Michael Beckwith -- Michael Beckwith and other New Thought practitioners teach that the universe, God, Goddess, All-That-Is, consciousness, Love, Beauty etc., etc., etc. are seeking to express through us. We are merely/wholly a vehicle through which a magnificent story is trying to be told. What is seeking to express through you?
3. Abraham -- We are vibratory beings in an attraction based universe. When we tell a new story we align our vibration with that new story and circumstances and events are drawn to us that allow that story to play out. I love Abraham and Esther Hicks. I secretly want to do what Esther does.
4. Shamanism -- Some flavors of shamanism speak of destiny lines -- an infinite number of stories that our lives might follow. Through sacred ceremony and intention you can "call in" your highest destiny, literally pulling your highest and best destiny to you. A powerful way to begin telling a new story.
5. Byron Katie -- Okay. I admit that I've not researched or experienced "The Work" on my own, but I understand that Ms. Katie is all about getting to the core of what is really true and letting go of your current story -- making way for a new story to emerge. Check her out here.
6. Choosing the better thought - This simple practice has been shown to me by a number of brilliant teachers. And its simple. In every moment you have a choice of how to think and react to your current circumstances. Each thought will either help you feel worse, or help you feel better. I like to choose the thoughts that help me feel better. Wanna join me?
7. Frequencies -- I have been working with a brilliant physics researcher over the past few months. He's found a way to shift our energy patterns through acoustic entrainment. This work allows our physical, emotional, and mental bodies to begin telling the story of health, success, and alignment with our highest good. This is some powerful and freaky stuff. I kid you not. I promise I'll have some exciting news about this work in the near future.
8. New Brain -- Yep. That's right. A New Brain. When we begin telling a new story we literally rewire our brains. Our habitual patterns of thought create actual physical grooves in our brain. Change your story. Create new grooves. Voila. New brain capable of supporting your new story.
9. Mind Movies -- Affirmations and visualizations go high-tech. I love Mind Movies. Find images and music that support your new story. Slap them together in a way that rings your bells. Watch Daily. Check out my Mind Movie on the right hand side of the page...
10. Diet -- There are so many ways your diet affects your story. Try going raw. Have a green smoothie every day. Bless your food before you eat. Try Pure Synergy or Marine Phytoplankton. When I was eating 100% raw my story took off in directions I could never have imagined. Put some new options on the menu of your life.
11. Who Am I? -- Asking and answering this question can have a powerful effect. Not just asking in a casual way, but asking and really, truly, deeply answering. Who am I? I was at a workshop in college where the facilitator asked this question of a participant repeatedly until her surface self dropped away and her true desires and true self emerged. She was never the same. Who are YOU?
12. Energy Healing -- Sometimes our thought patterns and our stories become influenced by our past or the patterns in our ancestral line. When we don't resolve painful emotions they stay lodged in our bodies and effect us in the present. So, traumas from childhood can linger with us throughout our lives. When its time to let go of the lifetime(s) of fear, sadness, disappointment, and pain you might be carrying, energy healing/vibrational medicine in all of its forms can be a God-send.
13. What would you love? -- Here's another question to ask yourself. A brilliant prompting to allow your new story to emerge. What would you love? This has become one of my favorite new mantras.
14. Letter to self -- Try writing a letter to yourself. Pretend that you are your most successful self 10 years from now. Describe your day, give advice to your present self. Bring in all the senses. What do you see, smell, hear, feel, and do each day in your new reality? What a beautiful new story. I'm gonna post my letter to myself here soon. Will you share your with me? Dear Sheri,
15. Breathe -- Taking 10 deep breaths is a brilliant way to reframe the present moment and begin to tell that new story. Learning Kundalini breathing is a great way to get energy moving so that you can manifest that new story. Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful healing modality that allows you to clear out the garbage you are carrying and glimpse what you new story has in store for you. Breath=inspiration.
16. Facebook status -- Easy-Cheesy way to start telling a new story. Pause before you enter text into that little status box. What story are you telling? Is it one you want to live? Spread the cheer. Research shows you'll have wide reaching effects.
17. Meditate -- By now everyone knows this is a good idea. I admit that I meditate more in my new story than I do currently in my life, but meditation = more control over our mind = more ability to choose better feeling thoughts = easier to tell our new story... Get it? Got it? Good!
18. Vision Board -- This is such a FUN way to tell your new story. Get out tons of magazines, search Google Images, cut up catalogs, write out inspiring quotes and put them all on a board that you look at every day. Or put it away and never look at it again. There are advocates on both sides of that fence. But in either case you are telling the story of your life in a new way. FUN, FUN, FUN!
19. Dare to dream big -- There are no limits to what you can be, do, or have. If you can imagine it you can achieve it. When you are telling your new story, tell it big! Shoot for the stars baby!
Those are just a few of the tools and techniques you can use to construct your new story. Which ones do you currently use? Which are intriguing to you? What did I leave out?
I know there are more. Share your thoughts with me. And then get out there and tell that new story!
PS -- The photo is of bottled kombucha flavors. YUMMY! I love Kombucha. And the picture is pretty :)
32 flavors and then some! There is a great song called 32 Flavors written by Annie
DiFranco (I love the version by Alanna Davis). Very inspiring!
so helpful, love it!
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