This morning I woke up with a beautiful chant going through my head -- "Blessed Always" by Ricki BB and the Agape International Choir.
I love when that happens!!!!!
It was going to be one of those beautiful joy-filled days of letting spirit move through me.
As I was returning from taking my son to school I started feeling this heavy blanket of sadness. CRUD! More clearing work to do...
I wasn't really in the mood to "go there", but I knew better than to fight it. Let it flow and all will be well.
So, my precious Michael gently held me in his arms as I sobbed. He whispered reassuring words into my ear.
For some reason I started down the path of telling the story of "too much emotional clearing" and "wasting the day with this crap"
And then as we stood together in a sweet embrace, Michael began to gently rock me. Instantly I began to laugh and feel joy spring forth from the depths of my being.
That's all I needed...
A HIP new story.
As my hips open up every so slightly with our gentle dance, all the sadness lifted and I could access the joy of my true being.
Actually, I couldn't KEEP from accessing the joy of my being. I was laughing from deep in my belly. All sadness vanished.
The experience was another precious reminder to me that we need to honor our physical bodies and help them tell the story of ease and grace and fluidity.
Holding on the the old story in my body will confine me to telling the old story in other areas of my life.
I've noticed over the past few months that every time I stretch my hip area I experience uncontrollable peals of laughter. My family usually thinks I've gone mad. I know I've just become more of who I truly am.
My new story includes time for stretching and opening my hips EVERY day!
Might you love a HIP new story?
All the joy you are,
1 comment:
Sweetheart, after an evening practice of hip-opening yoga tonight, I feel what you are saying here so much more fully in my own body too.
I am realizing--in my experience, not in my head--that success, health, wealth, abundance, fun, and fulfillment in Life, are all about giving up "trying" and forcing and efforting, and it's about relaxing and allowing.
An added insight I've been realizing is that this "allowing" isn't about being lazy, not being focused, and getting into distraction; but it's about truly engaging your spiritual practice (such as yoga, meditation, affirmation, and service) with joy and lightness, and following the synchronicities that will definitely happen.
Bless you! I love you! You are my special gal! :-)
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