When something positive happens, whether it is a great parking spot, or a promotion at work, or anything in between -- make a BIG, juicy deal out of it.
Milk it for all it's worth -- and it's worth a LOT!
Esther and Jerry Hicks, law of attraction experts, talk about how they will go on and on for an hour about some "little" good thing that happened to them. They tell the story of the miracle and tell it again and retell it and tell it some more.
They say that if folks could hear them they would think they were crazy. I don't know about you, but I am willing to seem a little crazy on my way to inviting in the life of my dreams.
Can you be willing to be "crazy" about the blessings in your life?
Michael and I do this by playing the "remember when..." game.
Wanna play?
Okay, here goes...
Say "Remember when ______________________ (fill-in-the-blank-with-something-good and then ramble on about how fantastic it was and how incredibly lucky you are)
For instance:
"Remember when we went to see Stephen Colbert? And we were last in line to get in, but ended up with front row seats? Remember how I got the script that he folded into a paper airplane and autographed and threw toward the crowd? We are so lucky, the universe must be working overtime to give us the best fun ever-- every day! Remember how I still have that airplane on my desk and it brings us back to how much fun we had that day? Remember the fabulous juices we had that day? And the raw lunch at Quintessence? Remember how much we laughed at that show? And then watched the replay online after we got home and then reminisced about the whole thing again!? That was an amazing day. WOW! We were so in alignment and so in the flow. I love it!"
Or how about:
"Remember when it was so hot last week, like 95 degrees or something? And that cool breeze came up? It was as if someone turned on the air-conditioner! I felt my hair blowing back and my neck got all nice and cool. That was really amazing. It was like a little miracle. The sounds of the leaves rustling and the smell of the flowers. WOW! It was such a beautiful contrast from the heat. It reminded me of being on the beach with the ocean breezes flowing all day long. That's what it will be like to live on the ocean. WOW! I love breezes."
Try it now.
Choose an event in your life that you can put into your joy-juicer!
Squeeze out every last drop.
If you're inspired to send me a written version of your joy juice, I'd love to read/drink it!
Drink up,
PS -- My current joy juice is related to this blog. I have SO many ideas and experiences that I want to share with you all that I am practically bursting at the seams. I think I'll never run out of topics! I could write for days and days and days. Don't miss out on the upcoming posts! Remember to subscribe and tell your friends. That way we can all share our juicy new stories.