So, what do you do when the Old Story rears its ugly head?
Like mine has been the last 2 days or more.
You know the drill, right?
The little voice in your head starts babbling the OLD STORY:
"You're just fooling yourself. There's no chance you'll ever amount to anything. Life is just full of stuff you gotta do and wanting time for anything else is selfish. Who are you to think you deserve anything more? This is just THE WAY IT IS!!! Everything sucks. Nothing is working out. Why am I even trying anyway? Wouldn't it be better to just accept things as they are and never want for anything more?...
The old story holds you hostage.
So, what DO you do?
First thing to do is to recognize that you are stuck in the old story.
A million points to you for being brilliant enough to see that the old story is rearing its ugly head.
That alone often works wonders (or I wouldn't be writing a whole blog on how to do that), but sometimes that old story is rather, um, stubborn.
So, what else can you do?
What I do is simple.
I start finding ways to love the old story.
Focus on the good things in the NOW.
Allow the old story to start rearing its beautiful head.
You can ALWAYS find things to love and appreciate right now.
Focus on what is right and good with you right now -- or get downright tricky and start reliving some fabulous moment from 1987.
So, my new version of the "old story" goes something like this [I'm doing this in real time folks. You are witnessing me shifting my story in the moment. Hold on to your hats!]:
"This is a comfortable shirt I am wearing. I really like how the fabric feels against my skin. And, oh, I am wearing my favorite pink quartz angel necklace. Oh! And my sweet love will be home this afternoon and we'll have a lot of time to snuggle. I LOVE snuggling. I am on my way to swap sessions with an old friend and I can already feel the energy of the beneficial effects. Hey, I am starting to smile a bit. I know the old story is just an old story. It will shift as I really allow it to shift. OH! Remember the beach in Del Mar? And the swings? Living there will be beyond fabulous, but how will...oops don't go there, shifting my focus...I love writing this blog and allowing the spirit of joy to move through me. Feeling better already. Thanks me!"
Be the love you are,
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