Ram Dass' words "Be Here Now" are guiding my thoughts today.
I want to share some things that have been swimming through my brain the last few hours.
First off...I'm no "expert"
Meaning, I'm not off in some distant location telling you how to live your life. It's not as if I've already "made it" to some faraway destination long ago and I am giving you the sure-fire way to join me in bliss-land.
We're walking the path together.
I'm right here living it all with you. The ups and downs. The ins and outs. The joy and the pain.
I'm writing this blog mostly for my own growth, alignment, joy, and inspiration. But, heck, if it helps anyone along the way, I am thrilled.
And I do my best to offer the cream of the crops of the tips, techniques, and words of inspiration that I have encountered. And, you know, I think I am doing a pretty good job, based on the feedback I've been getting from you (and from my own sense of joy in offering these posts)
Now that we have THAT out of the way...
Here's the thing -- as I am Telling A New Story sometimes I notice the tendency to start beating myself up for not being there yet.
Does that happen to you too?
Sometimes I notice that I am living my life in fear that the new story will never unfold.
Sometimes I feel like pulling it all back in -- all the potentials, all the dreams, all the unfolding beauty-- because if I dream big and I "fail" then I'll live a life of depression and despair. And it might just feel better to never have dreamed at all.
But I know better than that.
I know that life is supposed to feel good. Not just good, but fabulous. Joyful and ecstatic.
Anything else is just us getting in the way of ourselves. Old programming broadcasting and blocking out the signal of our souls.
[Reminder: I am really just telling myself what I need to hear right now. Just a personal note to myself out here in cyber-space-- though, I hope it is enlightening to you as well]
If you are telling the new story and then feeling bad that it hasn't unfolded in your physical reality yet, then you are keeping it from unfolding.
If you are beating yourself up for being where you are now instead of where your new story is leading you, then you've lost your way.
You will ALWAYS have a new story calling you. You will never ARRIVE. There is always more to be and do and have.
And that's the good news.
When life stops calling you forward that's when you start dying. And I plan to call forth as much joy as I can contain in this lifetime.
And in the meantime, I am willing to feel fabulous about where I am now.
I am willing to look at how far I have come. I am willing to celebrate my successes, rather than listing my "haven't quite gotten there yet"s.
I am willing to know that I am perfect right where I am. That I am worthy just because I exist. I don't have to "do" anything or prove anything in order to love and be loved.
Are you willing to do the same?
Take a moment to tune into your heart. Breathe deeply.
Find that place beneath all the pain and emotional hurt and self-judgement. Beneath all the stories you tell yourself about why you are not worthy of joy, bliss, and ecstasy.
Breathe again.
Feel the truth of who you are. A brilliant light in the world. A walking container for joy.
Tune into the peace behind all the chatter. Allow your true self to shine. Even for a second.
Doesn't that feel better?
I love you,
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