Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Big 4-0
I am turning 40 in just a couple of weeks! I've been looking forward to his birthday for quite some time. Somehow I've known that it was going to be a major turning point for me.
I was recently inspired by something Louise Hay said in her movie "You Can Heal Your Life". She was speaking to a HUGE crowd at one of Hay House's "You Can Do It" conferences about having just turned 80.
Her intention on each birthday is that this will be the best year ever. And as each decade starts she intends to have the best decade ever.
So, I wanna tell you how wildly fantastic my 40s are going to be.
My 40s are going to be the best decade ever!!!!!!!!!
"Why?" you ask.
Because this is the decade when I really live my life by MY rules! Bye-bye conditioning and social expectations...
Because this is the decade when I boldly step into all that I came here to do. Look out world...
Because this is the decade when I let go of old fears and patterns and truly shine my light on the world. This little light of mine...
Because this is the decade when my body is in the best shape it has ever been. Strong and slender and energized...
Because this is the decade when I have more tools available for my success than I could ever need. I am fully supported in all that I love to do...
Because this is the decade when my hopes and dreams and inspired actions come to fruition in ways that are even more spectacular than I've allowed myself to dream. California here we come...
Because this is the decade when I allow myself to grow even more deeply in love with my partner, my children, my family, and my self. I am a radiant light of love...
Wow! Holding these intentions puts a whole new spin on my day, week, month, year, decade, life.
Can you feel it?
What are your intentions for this day? This week? This month? This year?
Are you willing to allow yourself to have the Best Year Ever?
Tell me about it!
I love you!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Abraham's Focus Wheel

I'm back!!!!!!!!!
And raring to tell a new story.
One of my favorite tools lately is the Focus Wheel as described by Abraham. If you haven't heard of focus wheels you are in for a treat.
In short you take a statement of where you are now and turn it into its opposite -- where you want to be-- and then write statements that bring you into harmony with that new place.
I'll write more about it soon -- or you can google it and find lots of great info.
In the brief moments I have right now, I wanted to share my latest Focus Wheel (which is actually in list form).
Abraham talks about the vortex being that place where all manner of circumstances and events line up for your utter joy and perfect unfolding.
Where everything you desire is waiting for YOU!
Outside the vortex statement: Nothing in my life is really working and I am going to be depressed and unfulfilled forever. My desires regarding prosperity and career are never going to manifest -- ever...
Inside the vortex statement: Life supports me and all my desires are easily manifested. I am wildly prosperous and have a career that inspires me to be all that I am.
1. Many of my desires have manifested
2. I manifested a beautiful perfect school for my children and 60 other local children. I was key in creating it!
3. I have manifested my perfect partner and soul mate. We have more love and connection and conscious commitment than I ever dreamed possible.
4. When I do the work I love that inspires me I ALWAYS get positive feedback. People love my work and I am GREAT at it!
5. In all my manifestations in the past I have seen after the fact that there were so many factors taking place behind the scenes. I know there are so many things lining up for me now!
6. I have been seeing so many synchronicities lately. I know this means I am on the right path.
7. My disappointment only means i am taking score too soon.
8. My increased desire is making my vibrational escrow even bigger. Look out world!
9. The jobs I currently have are working out for me in many ways. I regularly get praise for the work I do.
10. I have always had enough prosperity to take care of myself and my family. It always works out.
11. I have so many tools and technologies to support me in relaxing into the stream where I will be brought to all my desires.
12. I keep being shown turtle lately and I know this means to be patient and take it slow. Slow and steady wins the race and everything is coming to me now.
Oh yeah baby! I feel fabulous now. Things look different now. I am closer and closer to the vortex. Now I am going to play The Glad Game all day today. I saw Pollyanna last night and I am INSPIRED and ON FIRE!
Be love y'all,
Saturday, June 6, 2009

This post contains information about a little-known and truly cutting-edge technology that may seem far-out to some, but if you bear with me and try it out you may experience some amazing results.
The Telling-A-New-Story-Goddess has had remarkable experiences with this tool and it's time to share!
About a year ago I came across a posting on the internet about a scientific researcher who had created a new sound healing technology. He's found a way to map out the sounds and songs that cells "sing" to each other when in various states of physical and emotional health.
It's pretty astounding...
When you play those sounds (they sound like beeps and pings and weird computer-y sounds -- so I have taken to calling them "beep-beeps") to your body your cells begin to vibrate in synch with the "songs" and you experience various states of physical and emotional clearing and health.
Here are a few snippets from emails I wrote to Don Adams, the developer of these healing frequencies, over the past year. These reports speak to the power of this technology:
"I have to say I feel better than I can remember EVER in my life. I feel a deep sense of joy and ease and rightness that comes from inside me. Not a happiness based on external circumstances, for nothing has changed in my life (YET) other than my attitude.
I can't even explain the level of well-being I feel. I feel radiant and soft and confident and fabulous :)
I've been using Electric Blue Fire Star and the Get Grounded freqs for a few days. Mostly been listening at a relatively low volume.
Thank you Doc. A million thanks!
I look forward to the external effects that WILL follow my internal shift."
"I just wanted to share my experiences with the frequency "Obsession Buster". I am not really going through any type of emotional issues in the present moment, but I have been doing some deep emotional clearing of old issues lately. I put on the Obsession Buster frequency the other day and immediately felt the effects. I felt heavier energies being lifted from me and I felt the cloud of heaviness begin to lift away. I continued to listen to this frequency -- sometimes with one or two others looped in (induce happiness and light and dispel negativity) for various amounts of time over the next few days and felt the emotional fog lift."
"I was listening again today -- lying down on my massage table right next to the speakers. Played Neuroteleportal, Space Warp, Bio-Sparkarama, and Hyperspace -- just one time through. It apparently doesn't take me much... On the first time through I got very relaxed and felt buzzing and great. My body spasmed a few times, which it does when energetic blocks are released. When it got to Bio-Sparkarama I began laughing uncontrollably. My partner and youngest son thought it was very funny. I felt deep energies clearing and lifting and the laughing just come through. When it got to Hyperspace I felt a lot of energy around my head and felt very relaxed again and as if I was in the midst of a deep healing session. My partner came over and asked what was going on because he saw beings working at my head and my feet. I felt their presence as well. Afterwards Michael, my partner, said my energy field looked much different. Apparently I often have an area of congested energy around the back of my head and it was shifted and more clear after the session. I definitely felt as if I had experienced a deep healing session.""I've noticed amazing effects in term of my mood and general feelings of well being and attitude. I feel more self confident, joyful, optimistic. I notice a feeling of connection to the universe and as if things are truly lining up on my behalf. I have actually felt truly, deeply joyful and also noticed a shell of old sadness that has been keeping the joy from fully expressing."
Now, fair warning, I am a very sensitive person. Energies affect me quickly and strongly. Not everyone who uses these frequencies has this intensity of effects so soon, but I sure did. And for that I am grateful.
If you feel called to investigate these tools, there are free demos available here. I'd love to hear how it goes for you!
Now you can start Telling A New Story at a cellular level!!!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Afformations -- or -- Why is my life so freaking fantastic?

You've heard of affirmations, right?
Just in case you've been hiding under a rock, or are really new to this telling a new story stuff, I'll clue you in briefly about affirmations.
Affirmations are positive statements you make about yourself, your life, your friends, your finances. Statements that affirm your value and worthiness and inherent goodness. Statements that clarify what you are inviting into your life.
For example, "I love and approve of myself just the way I am."
Affirmations are fantastic.
Affirmations can assist in creating miracles.
(Though I am becoming more aware that what we call miracles are truly nothing more than us uncovering the reality of existence. We just think they are miracles because we so rarely open ourselves to the reality of life)
And as great as affirmations are, do you know what happens sometimes?
Sometimes they backfire.
Have you ever experienced this?
You get all psyched and do your affirmations -- "I love and approve of myself just the way I am. I love and approve of myself just the way I am. I love and approve of myself just the way I am. I love and approve of myself just the way I am."
Great! I did it!
If you don't believe the affirmative statement it can sometimes reinforce the lack of whatever you are affirming.
You can say the affirmation all day long, but if you don't feel the truth of the statement, if you are hearing your internal critic tell you all the reasons it's not true and could never be true...well it's not that effective.
Don't feel badly about it. It's just the way our minds work. It's difficult or impossible to just convince ourselves of something we don't already believe is true.
We need evidence to support our claims.
This is where afformations come into play.
An afformation is an empowering question you ask yourself that triggers your brain to search for evidence that it is true.
And as you gather evidence that it is true, you begin to trust and believe in the idea behind the afformation and big time shifts happen.
You will be telling a new story in no time flat.
So, an afformation related to the affirmation I used earlier would go like this:
"Why do I love and approve of myself?"
Ask yourself that empowering question.
Notice how your brain starts looking for evidence to support it. That's the beauty of afformations. Your brain will support you in changing your beliefs about yourself. You won't need to fight it, it will be your ally.
Once you start gathering answers to your empowering questions you'll be shifting your internal beliefs in a powerful way.
So, now that I have very briefly shared with you why affomrations are so potent and useful, I want to end with a little rampage of afforamtions for myself...
Feel free to borrow any of all of them...
OH! And I've found that mixing in questions that you already fully know the answers to along with the ones that you would like more evidence for increases the usefulness of the technique...
So, here goes...and know that repetition is just fine!
Why is my life so fabulous? Why do I have an ever increasing number of readers? Why does money and prosperity flow to me so easily and effortlessly? Why do I feel such joy in every moment?
Why am I able to find the best in everything? Why do clients and jobs and projects that inspire me just flow to me in such surprising ways all the time?
Why am I in such perfect health? Why does my relationship with Michael keep getting better and better every day? Why does everything I desire come to me in perfect timing?
Why am I so fantastically wealthy? Why am I sought after for my work throughout the world? Why am I so healthy and slender and strong? Why do all my relationships bring me endless joy?
Why do I have everything I have ever wanted? Why do I always remember my connection to the divine? Why does everything unfold in perfect time for me? Why is my heart so wide open?
Why do I know that a perfect house on the beach is on its way to me now? Why do I feel inspired to exercise daily? Why do I love everything about myself? Why is my patience growing exponentially in every moment?
Why do I have an unlimited supply of abundance that flows to me whenever I need it? Why is my life a perfect reflection of the joy I feel in each moment? Why do I have such a successful healing practice?
Why am I willing and able to stand in my power in every moment? Why are all my relationships a perfect reflection of the love and peace I have in my heart? Why am I traveling the world teaching and holding space for healing?
Why is my body at is perfect weight now? Why does everything in my life flow to me at the perfect time?
Why am I now smiling from each to ear?
Answer: Afformations!!!!
Go ahead. Try it now! Feel the love!
All love,
Friday, May 8, 2009
Strike a pose!

Take a few slow, deep breaths...
Now take a moment to imagine something.
Imagine that every dream you've ever had has just come true.
Your dream job, dream house, dream lover, dream vacation have just all fallen into your lap.
Let that sink in.
You are filled with joy and lightness, eager anticipation, and gratitude beyond belief.
Now imagine how your body would look and feel in this moment.
What do you see?
For me, I imagine my hands together in prayer position in front of my heart and then raised above my head in a triumphant pose..
My smile extends from ear to ear.
My feet are spread apart and firmly planted on the ground. Well, actually they are doing some fine dancing and tapping as well ;)
And I am laughing like there is no tomorrow.
Do you have a mental picture of the form your body would take in this "imaginary" situation? It is likely to be different from mine. Just go with the first image you get and TRUST.
Now, stay with me here...
Get up and strike that pose.
Feel the energy as you do it.
By merely taking this physical stance you are inviting in the energies that will make you dreams come true.
Once you feel the feelings, the physical stuff is not too far behind.
We usually get it messed up and think that the feelings come from the stuff. Not so.
The "stuff" comes from the feelings.
And even if you don't believe me, the worst/best that will happen if you try striking the pose is that you will feel some celebratory energy -- and that's a great thing no matter what!
Get up and strike a pose!
I dare you!
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Power of Make Believe
I never planned to do this, but...
Michael Neill is a brilliantly inspired writer and coach. His works have changed my life. The concepts and exercises that are expressed in this excerpt are especially powerful.
You can read more about Michael Neill's work at
What do you believe right now? Take a few moments to finish these 'sentence starters' for yourself. You can do this in your head, but I strongly encourage you to jot down your answers somewhere you can find them after you've finished the book. That's because they are likely to have changed so radically by the time we've finished our time together you won't remember them later:
Life is...
I am...
People are...
Money is...
The most important thing to know about happiness is...
Now, however you've finished those sentences - positive or negative, thought through or impulsive, heartfelt or not - is simply an insight into how you currently see the world. Hopefully, you chose to answer honestly, knowing that no one but you need ever see your answers.
Look again at your answers. Do they feel 'right' to you? Can you think of lots of evidence and examples to back them up?
The secret we will be exploring in this session underpins everything else we will be doing together, because it explains why we see what we see, hear what we hear, feel what we feel and do what we do. It's a secret that has been talked about in many times and in many traditions from around the world and is 'secret' not because no one wants you to know it but because it's so difficult to talk about - like trying to explain the concept of water to a fish.
The secret is that we each live in our own separate reality. This is not some kind of an esoteric theory, but a physiological fact. Our brains filter information through the five senses then make representations of that information inside our minds. We then experience these representations, first as thoughts and then as emotions. But as we re-present the information in our mind, certain bits of the data are inevitably deleted, distorted and generalized. And since we all delete, distort and generalize that information slightly differently, we all have slightly (or sometimes completely) different perceptions of what is going on around us.
In other words, the way we think determines what we see, hear and feel, regardless of what is actually going on around us in the world. Or, to put it slightly differently, there's what happens and there's what we think about what happens. And what makes this important is that the lion's share of our decisions, feelings and actions in life will be based on our thoughts, not the objective facts.
This is neither a new idea nor one associated with any one particular field of study. In quantum physics, the uncertainty principle says that we can never study anything objectively because 'the observer always influences the observed'. Psychologists talk about 'the Pygmalion effect' and linguists say, 'The map is not the territory.' Shakespeare wrote, 'There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so,' and in the Christian Bible, Jesus says, 'As you think, so shall you become.'
Perhaps my favourite way of thinking about this secret comes from one of my early mentors, author and supercoach Serge Kahili King. He describes the principle of thought like this:
The world is what you think it is.
While at first glance this may seem an innocuous idea, its implications are far-reaching. If the world is what you think it is, then life becomes one giant self-fulfilling prophecy. Your expectations create your experience, and if anything happens that confounds your expectations, you will most likely find a way of explaining it away or fitting it into your existing worldview. And any attempt you might make to 'prove' your theories about the world objectively will never gain universal acceptance, because you're creating that world through your thinking in one way and other people are creating it through their thinking in another way.
Today's Experiment:
If this all seems much too heady for a book about having more happiness, ease and success in your life, here's a simple experiment to experience this phenomenon for yourself:
Get a piece of paper and a pen (or make notes in the book).
Now, take 30 seconds to look around you and make a list of everything you can see that's green. (Do this before you move on to step three.)
When you have completed your list, put down your pen. As soon as you finish reading this sentence, close your eyes and make a list of everything around you that's brown.
Now, if you actually took the minute or so it takes to do this experiment, you will have had a direct experience of the effect of what you hold in your mind on what you experience in the world. If you're still a bit befuddled, all you need to remember is this:
You will always tend to see whatever it is you are looking for.
Everything you will be learning in our time together is based on the fact that you are creating your experience of everything in your life through the way that you think about it. If you're having a wonderful experience, well done - you're creating that experience from the raw material of your life. If you're having a horrible experience, well, well done - you're creating that, and it can begin to change at any moment. Because once you really begin to understand how your thoughts create your 'reality', you will no longer be a victim of the process.
With love,
Michael Neil
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Squeeze out every drop of juicy goodness

When something positive happens, whether it is a great parking spot, or a promotion at work, or anything in between -- make a BIG, juicy deal out of it.
Milk it for all it's worth -- and it's worth a LOT!
Esther and Jerry Hicks, law of attraction experts, talk about how they will go on and on for an hour about some "little" good thing that happened to them. They tell the story of the miracle and tell it again and retell it and tell it some more.
They say that if folks could hear them they would think they were crazy. I don't know about you, but I am willing to seem a little crazy on my way to inviting in the life of my dreams.
Can you be willing to be "crazy" about the blessings in your life?
Michael and I do this by playing the "remember when..." game.
Wanna play?
Okay, here goes...
Say "Remember when ______________________ (fill-in-the-blank-with-something-good and then ramble on about how fantastic it was and how incredibly lucky you are)
For instance:
"Remember when we went to see Stephen Colbert? And we were last in line to get in, but ended up with front row seats? Remember how I got the script that he folded into a paper airplane and autographed and threw toward the crowd? We are so lucky, the universe must be working overtime to give us the best fun ever-- every day! Remember how I still have that airplane on my desk and it brings us back to how much fun we had that day? Remember the fabulous juices we had that day? And the raw lunch at Quintessence? Remember how much we laughed at that show? And then watched the replay online after we got home and then reminisced about the whole thing again!? That was an amazing day. WOW! We were so in alignment and so in the flow. I love it!"
Or how about:
"Remember when it was so hot last week, like 95 degrees or something? And that cool breeze came up? It was as if someone turned on the air-conditioner! I felt my hair blowing back and my neck got all nice and cool. That was really amazing. It was like a little miracle. The sounds of the leaves rustling and the smell of the flowers. WOW! It was such a beautiful contrast from the heat. It reminded me of being on the beach with the ocean breezes flowing all day long. That's what it will be like to live on the ocean. WOW! I love breezes."
Try it now.
Choose an event in your life that you can put into your joy-juicer!
Squeeze out every last drop.
If you're inspired to send me a written version of your joy juice, I'd love to read/drink it!
Drink up,
PS -- My current joy juice is related to this blog. I have SO many ideas and experiences that I want to share with you all that I am practically bursting at the seams. I think I'll never run out of topics! I could write for days and days and days. Don't miss out on the upcoming posts! Remember to subscribe and tell your friends. That way we can all share our juicy new stories.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Mind Movies
A Mind Movie is like a vision board set to music.
Here's mine -- in case you haven't seen it yet.
I still get chills when I view it. I have to wipe away the tears every time.
Mind Movies are an extremely effective tool to use in your quest to tell a new story.
The process of creating a Mind Movie allows you to gain clarity on what your new story will entail.
The combination of music and visuals really gets your vibration in alignment with what you are inviting into your life.
Once your movie is complete you just take a few minutes each day to watch it and get jazzed!
And that's when the magic happens!
Watching the movie each day really keeps your whole being on track with where you are headed.
Miracles will start to unfold when you really open to this new vision.
And the movies are very easy to make. The Mind Movie people sell a package that you can use if you are so inclined, but I made mine using the Window Movie Maker software that came with my computer.
First choose a song that inspires you and purchase an mp3 version of it.
Next, find images that represent the people, places, things, feeling, and ideas that you would love to invite into your life. I like to use Google Images for this purpose.
Finally, open Windows Movie Maker and have a blast!
I love making Mind Movies. I've even considered accepting commissions from folks to create their movies for them.
I'd love for you to share your movie with me :)
See you in the movies,
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Getting out of my own way

A few days ago I started to see very clearly how I have been getting in my own way.
I realized that I was beating up on myself for not already being where I know I am headed. I was beating myself up for not being the most perfect example of everything that I wish to embody.
I could give you a million examples, but here are 2 -- a tiny one and a BIG one.
Example #1 The "tiny" one-- I was beating myself up for eating two bananas in one day. Bananas are very sugary fruits and I am a "healthy" person.
So went the story from my internal judge.
That's the level of insanity I had stooped to.
As I shifted my awareness it became increasingly clear that I was chastising myself for just about everything in my life.
Every. Thing.
Example #2 The B-I-G one -- A wet blanket of heavy energy was descending on me -- and that was just "not okay" for the "telling a new story" queen. I had failed. I was a fraud. I was wanting too much out of life.
So, I tried all the techniques I knew to shift it. I tried really hard.
Really, really hard.
And I felt bad for feeling bad.
And so the cloud thickened. I couldn't find a way out no matter how many "techniques" I used to shift it.
Oh, I had little glimpses of feeling okay, even great, and I would think things were shifting (I was really attached to things shifting because feeling bad was not okay, in my judge's opinion), but the cloud would descend again as my judge reared its head.
"Two bananas in one day! Can't you use something else in that smoothie you are making on the 7th day of your juice and smoothie fast?" sneered the voice in my head.
See how it teases me?
Well, last night as I was going to sleep I had a major shift.
I decided to just see what it would feel like to say "this is how I feel now and it's okay."
Instantly the feeling shifted and I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face.
My partner Michael came into the room wondering why I was cracking up -- and I could hardly even tell him because I was laughing so hard.
My tummy hurt from all the laughing.
It was really funny!
A combination of laughing at the "joke" of how much I judged myself and laughing because I was experiencing the core of who I am -- who you are -- joy and love.
Once I made peace with where I was the energy of those dark emotions transformed immediately to overwhelming joy and love.
It was magical.
Once I stopped trying and just let myself BE everything was different.
I was so intent on feeling good that I managed to make myself feel bad.
Now, I am not saying you should just throw in the towel and live with circumstances are other than your highest calling. Don't sell yourself short!
But you can find a way to be at peace where you are in this moment -- as you open to what is unfolding for you.
Try giving yourself a break today. Love yourself where you are.
And let me know how it goes!
PS -- If you are enjoying these posts you can have them delivered right to your email address by simply entering your email address in the subscription box at the top of this pasge. Do it now :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Share Wisely

Have you ever been really, truly excited about something -- something that just makes your heart sing and feels like it will revolutionize your life?
So excited that you rush and tell your best friend or lover about this obviously fabulous idea/book/movie/food/vision for your life?
So thrilled to know that your house on the Pacific Ocean is on it's way. Beside yourself with glee to imagine living your soul's purpose each day. Just knowing that your friend/mother/lover/son will be equally enthusiastic about it.
And have you ever been met with a blank stare or a rousing "oh, that's nice dear"?
Nothing like that to put a damper on your festivities...
As you are composing your new story sometimes it's best to keep it to yourself for awhile. No need to risk the buzzkill of folks who just don't understand.
Share your new story wisely.
Sometimes folks can't handle how amazing you are. Sometimes they are scared of how much joy you can embody.
Of course, you can also start telling the story of how you have a wonderfully supportive community that rejoices in all that you are.
And if you keep pointing in that direction you'll find that too!
I would love to be that for each of you.
I see your brilliance.
I know you are capable.
I know you are here with a unique vision that will bless this planet with it's unfolding.
I love you all,
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Being Positively Love

In it he recounts the story of how he and his wife decided to try a 7-day experiment. They committed to love as they had never loved before.
They decided to BE love, LIVE love, and RADIATE love for 7-days.
They spoke love, meditated on love, poured love into everything they encountered.
The results were spectacular and beyond anything they imagined was possible.
"By the fifth day, the radiation was so powerful that it was felt during most of my waking hours. I should also mention that during that week we experienced more peace, contentment, and divine order than we can ever remember.
But there was more. Time seemed to work in our favor as we accomplished so much more in less time. Relationships with everyone took on a deeper meaning, visible supply moved to a higher level, guidance dreams were of greater frequency and clarity, and the vision of our purpose expanded considerably. Love is...the greatest secret in the universe"
I am going to be love, speak love, radiate love, allow love.
You can even love yourself for feeling other than loving in any given moment.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Be Here Now

Monday, April 13, 2009
Popping out all over!

Who's story are you telling?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
"How" is none of your business...

"How" is none of your business.
(It's none of MY business either.)
Your new story has some elements in it that are quite different from what you are currently living.
Am I correct?
You want to make what seem like some pretty major shifts, right?
So, let's say, hypothetically, that you are currently living in Southeastern New York.
Your job is here. Your family is here. Your friends are here. You are pretty well rooted here.
And let's say, hypothetically, that your new story has you living in San Diego, or even just north in Del Mar.
Maybe you are even dreaming of moving into this house. Or an equally lovely one.
There are countless elements that would need to line up for this all to happen in a way that feels good.
May seem impossible to some.
And you could, like most of us, get obsessed with the details of "how" this could all possibly unfold.
But I have learned that "HOW" is none of our business.
Let go of "HOW".
Most of the time the "how" is going to unfold in ways that you cannot even imagine from your very limited perspective.
And you worrying (or even thinking about) "how" just cuts you off from the natural flow of the universal energies.
"How" just puts you in a place of feeling doubtful.
"How" drains your joy about the unfolding of the story.
Focusing on "how" will keep your story from unfolding.
So, leave "how" out of the equation.
Try saying this "I don't know how our move to Del Mar will unfold, but I know it will be even better than I can imagine." [um, well, insert your own new story element, LOL!]
Remember that our words and our intentions and our emotions all create our future reality.
Find ways to feel good about what you are wanting and increase your knowingness that it will unfold.
Just don't concern yourself with the "how."
The "how" will knock your socks off.
I guarantee it.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Telling the Old Story in a New Way

So, what do you do when the Old Story rears its ugly head?
Like mine has been the last 2 days or more.
You know the drill, right?
The little voice in your head starts babbling the OLD STORY:
"You're just fooling yourself. There's no chance you'll ever amount to anything. Life is just full of stuff you gotta do and wanting time for anything else is selfish. Who are you to think you deserve anything more? This is just THE WAY IT IS!!! Everything sucks. Nothing is working out. Why am I even trying anyway? Wouldn't it be better to just accept things as they are and never want for anything more?...
The old story holds you hostage.
So, what DO you do?
First thing to do is to recognize that you are stuck in the old story.
A million points to you for being brilliant enough to see that the old story is rearing its ugly head.
That alone often works wonders (or I wouldn't be writing a whole blog on how to do that), but sometimes that old story is rather, um, stubborn.
So, what else can you do?
What I do is simple.
I start finding ways to love the old story.
Focus on the good things in the NOW.
Allow the old story to start rearing its beautiful head.
You can ALWAYS find things to love and appreciate right now.
Focus on what is right and good with you right now -- or get downright tricky and start reliving some fabulous moment from 1987.
So, my new version of the "old story" goes something like this [I'm doing this in real time folks. You are witnessing me shifting my story in the moment. Hold on to your hats!]:
"This is a comfortable shirt I am wearing. I really like how the fabric feels against my skin. And, oh, I am wearing my favorite pink quartz angel necklace. Oh! And my sweet love will be home this afternoon and we'll have a lot of time to snuggle. I LOVE snuggling. I am on my way to swap sessions with an old friend and I can already feel the energy of the beneficial effects. Hey, I am starting to smile a bit. I know the old story is just an old story. It will shift as I really allow it to shift. OH! Remember the beach in Del Mar? And the swings? Living there will be beyond fabulous, but how will...oops don't go there, shifting my focus...I love writing this blog and allowing the spirit of joy to move through me. Feeling better already. Thanks me!"
Be the love you are,
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Every Day Miracles

Funny how when you start expecting miracles you start seeing miracles everywhere.
Everyday Miracles.
Miracles Each and Every Day.
Little things begin to catch your eye and remind you that all is well.
Like the license plate that says "Expect Miracles."
Like all the San Diego connections I am attracting now. People. Places. Things.
It's almost spooky...
Michael and I used to play a little game in bed each morning. One of us would ask in a sing-songy voice "What are you expecting today?" and the other would answer "Miracles" in an equally lilting manner.
It was fun and quirky.
And it worked.
Try it.
You can increase the effectiveness of the game by being grateful for all the miracles you experience throughout the day. I often recount the day's miracles as I snuggle in for the night.
I remarked to Michael the other day that I really believe in my core now that the universe is a benevolent force that WANTS to give me everything I desire. And I act on that knowing.
For years I was parroting that idea without it really sinking into my bones.
I've got it now.
I love watching it unfold daily.
Care to join me?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm obsessed...
Obsessed with our visit to Del Mar.
Obsessed with fabulous superfoods.
Obsessed with having fun with my boys.
Obsessed with being in love with Michael.
Obsessed with listening to chants from the Agape International Choir.
Obsessed with tender kisses.
Obsessed with ocean waves right outside our door.
Obsessed with opening my heart.
Obsessed with being a beacon of joy and love and inspiration.
Obsessed with the perfect flow of abundance and prosperity that I experience on a daily basis.
Obsessed with 1750 Oceanfront Avenue, Del Mar, CA.

We want you to become obsessed with the best parts of your life.
If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, which means:
you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;
until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come.
If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want.
But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want, and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world to help you get to where you think you want to be.
Abraham Workshop
Los Angeles
August 17, 2008
What are you obsessed with?
All the joy you deserve,
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
a HIP new story

This morning I woke up with a beautiful chant going through my head -- "Blessed Always" by Ricki BB and the Agape International Choir.
I love when that happens!!!!!
It was going to be one of those beautiful joy-filled days of letting spirit move through me.
As I was returning from taking my son to school I started feeling this heavy blanket of sadness. CRUD! More clearing work to do...
I wasn't really in the mood to "go there", but I knew better than to fight it. Let it flow and all will be well.
So, my precious Michael gently held me in his arms as I sobbed. He whispered reassuring words into my ear.
For some reason I started down the path of telling the story of "too much emotional clearing" and "wasting the day with this crap"
And then as we stood together in a sweet embrace, Michael began to gently rock me. Instantly I began to laugh and feel joy spring forth from the depths of my being.
That's all I needed...
A HIP new story.
As my hips open up every so slightly with our gentle dance, all the sadness lifted and I could access the joy of my true being.
Actually, I couldn't KEEP from accessing the joy of my being. I was laughing from deep in my belly. All sadness vanished.
The experience was another precious reminder to me that we need to honor our physical bodies and help them tell the story of ease and grace and fluidity.
Holding on the the old story in my body will confine me to telling the old story in other areas of my life.
I've noticed over the past few months that every time I stretch my hip area I experience uncontrollable peals of laughter. My family usually thinks I've gone mad. I know I've just become more of who I truly am.
My new story includes time for stretching and opening my hips EVERY day!
Might you love a HIP new story?
All the joy you are,
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Who Are You?

Who are you?
That's the question I would love for you to reflect on in this moment.
Ask yourself -- Who am I?
What was the first thing that came to mind when you answered that question?
What is the general feeling tone you get when you reflect on your self?
Do you see yourself as a limited being, trudging your way through a world filled with problems and obstacles?
Many of us tell that story.
There are oodles of approaches to telling a new story.
So far I've focused in this blog mostly on telling the story of things one might want, or circumstances that one might like to create.
Today I want you to open to a new way of seeing yourself.
What if you were able to shift the core feeling tone you have about your self?
What if this quote from Michael Beckwith was true? (I know it is true for you!)
“I believe that you’re great, that there’s something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly, this something that is within you, this power within you that’s greater than the world, it will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you, it will clothe you, it will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence. If you let it! Now that is what I know, for sure.”
I dare you to start telling an uplifting story of who you ACTUALLY are.
Let go of the notion that you are anything other than love incarnate.
Step into the perfection of all-that-is.
You. Are. Love.
You. Are. Perfection.
You. Are. Joy.
Breathe that in.
Wishing you all the love, perfection, and joy that you are,
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Fiddle your way to bliss!

Here's a fabulous example of new story telling from a friend of mine.
Carol Taktikian decided one morning that she was a brilliant fiddler. Read on and be astounded by her account of what happened:
"Ok you guys, This is gonna rock your world.
I decided yesterday morning that today I am going to walk the walk of someone who is an awesome fiddle player. I have seen many, DC from this list being one.
Our group, The Possum Pickers, were scheduled to do a contra dance after a round of classes at a Pioneer Settlement near my home. I went to my fiddle class walking the walk and it ended up being me and 3 other long time fiddle players of like 30 years experience each.
I walked in with my 2 and 1/2 yrs experience like I was one of them. I can tell you in the not so distant past, I would have felt very intimidated and probably been so self conscious that I wouldn't have learned a thing. But no, I was walking the walk that day... and yes, I kept right up with them and learned everything they learned.
I came out of that class on cloud nine. I was dancing around like a crazy person and my friend said......boy that must have been some class. lol
But no, thats not the best part at all. It got better!
When it was time for us to get on stage and start the dance.....I noticed some commotion and over heard our lead fiddle player saying he had an emergency at his house and had to go. I didn't think much of it until we all sat down to play and instead of me playing the guitar.........they all looked at me to lead, yes oh yes......ON THE FIDDLE.
I lead on the fiddle and never felt so good, or more confident in my whole life. I was so glad I didn't know about it until the last minute, because I didn't have time to worry that I wouldn't be able to handle it.
But I did handle it and I did a fantastic job! I just KNEW it was the next logical step. I knew the Universe lined it up for me.....because I was walking the walk of a great fiddle player that day. And I can promise you that I will walk this same walk every single day for the rest of my life!!!!
I can barely wait to try a different walk. Oh what fun! Thank you so much W for suggesting this game. IT WORKS LIKE A MAGIC CHARM.
But I know, deep inside me that it was my vibrational "walk" that did the trick. I am still soaring........YaHoooooooooo
And by the way, the emergency turned out to only be a loss of electricity, which set off some alarms or something, so it was nothing serious. So, get out there you guys, and walk the walk.
One Happy, Happy girl, Carol"
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Where I am headed...

I just finished listening to a segment of an Abraham-Hicks workshop from Oahu, Hawaii on 11/29/08. I highly recommend the entire CD-set. I was guided to this particular workshop and I love myself for following that guidance -- wowza!
Hooray for me :)
Today while returning from the best breakfast ever with my 11 year-old son (Happy Birthday Colin!) I was especially inspired by a particular segment.
A man on the CD says he lives in Texas currently and that he wants to move to a certain street in Honolulu. He asks Abraham if he should just start telling people that he lives in Hawaii. In response Abraham offers advice on how to tell your new story if you don't quite believe the whole story yet.
The idea was to let people know you are in transition (whether it is in regard to employment, relationships, finances, or WHATEVER!) and let them know the story of where you are headed.
When Abraham finished the description of the new story for this man I was so jazzed I was beaming from ear to ear and my heart was shining in all directions.
I was G-L-O-W-I-N-G!
This was a fabulous story of a person who currently has some things in Texas, but was totally on his way to his life on a particular street in Honolulu.
And then, as if to just throw me over the edge, the next person who steps up to speak with Abraham at the workshop starts out by saying that lived in Texas a year ago, but now LIVES ON THAT SAME STREET IN HAWAII!
How much better can it get?!
So, I decided to utilize that story telling device and tell you all about the unfolding of my fabulously inspired career.
Here's my new answer for when people ask me what I do:
Well, currently I am in a transformational phase.
I've been studying and experiencing some of the best tools to assist people with their personal and spiritual growth for the past 15 years.And I love them all.
I am working a few odd jobs at the moment. But I am on my way to synthesizing all my experiences so that I can become a wildly inspirational guide for people wanting to live their fullest potential.
In my heart of hearts I know I am here to inspire people to live the life of their dreams. To empower people to take the next step toward their soul's purpose. I love nothing more than setting an example of bliss, freedom, and joy so that people can get a whiff of what is possible in life.
So, in the not-too-distant future you will see that most of my daily activities are focused in this direction and that abundance will be flowing to me through these activities and through avenues that I can't even imagine right now.
My main job is to feel the joy and ecstasy of life and to BE that example for others. I wake up each morning knowing it can be another day of joy and bliss and connection to my source.
And when others see me living this way they will ask "How do you do that?" and I will open my heart and my soul and share what I know.And the world will be a brighter place.
And as they agree to open to their potential and they face the clearing of old emotions and patterns I will be there to guide them and hold space for them as it clears.I will see their light and their truth and will hold that vibration for them.
That's what I do. Aren't you glad you asked?
Keep those cards and letters coming! I love hearing from you.
Monday, March 2, 2009
A Bun Dance

I am engaging in A-Bun-Dance.
Another chapter in my fabulous new story.
Won't you join me?
My teacher, mentor, and friend Joe Monkman recently asked for examples of affirmations that people were using in their lives. So I am taking this opportunity to create my own affirmation around prosperity and abundance.
It has been an interesting exercise for me. Even though I am in a phase of my life where I have plenty of everything I need --and more keeps pouring to me and through me on a daily basis-- occasionally I still feel those pangs of fear and twisting in the pit of my stomach as I balance my checkbook and make financial plans.
But that's okay.
I am starting right where I am with the knowledge that I can and will release those feelings and move toward being even more in alignment with my new story.
You can too! I hope you will join me in writing your story of A Bun Dance.
I know and recognize that there is only One Power, one Absolute Source, one Divine Spirit. I know and feel in my heart and soul that I am one with the Divine Spirit of All-That-Is. I realize that money and resources, prosperity and opulence are flowing to me in a powerful stream. I give thanks for the abundance that has already flowed to me as well as all that is flowing to me now and all that will flow to me in the future. It is done. It is so!
I love my new affirmation for so many reasons.
I feel fabulous when I read it and speak it. I KNOW it is true and I look forward to the journey of its continued unfolding.
What story are you telling today?
Abundantly yours,
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Happy Go Lucky
Let me know how much you love it. :)
Friday, February 27, 2009
News Flash

I'm back in the saddle again!
Yes, even the new story goddess has her other-than-fabulous days. LOL!
But that's okay.
Over the last little while I experienced some emotional ups and downs that were very uncomfortable and without explanation. It was a beautiful opportunity to get clear about how I truly wanted to feel.
A few days ago I decided to have an energy clearing session with Jeanette Wilson. She's a friend and colleague of Michael's.
What a HUGE difference just one session made! She's my new hero.
Bring it back around to the truth -- little by little if need be.
I was getting ready to go in to one of my jobs. And I was resisting it. The old feelings of "will-anything-ever-get-any-better-for-me-and-will-I-ever-feel-truly-inspired-and-be-inspiring-others-and-have-a-career-that-allows-all-of-my-brilliance-to-shine-or-will-I-just-be-working-in-places-that-are-way-below-what-I-am-capable-of-and-slowly-dying-inside" Yeah, it was a heavy day.
But that's okay.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
32 Flavors

This just came to me in the shower. There must be 32 Flavors of Telling A New Story.
Here's what I mean -- there are oodles of reasons to tell a new story, a whole lotta frameworks to guide your storytelling, and gazillions of methods you can use to construct your new script.
Perhaps I am exaggerating.
Or then again.
Maybe Not.
Actually, I am sure there are at least 32 "flavors" of telling new stories. I'll start a list of the ones I can think of and maybe you can help me add to them.
The descriptions here will need to be shorter than I'd love -- otherwise this would become a book. (Oh, note to self: writing a book might be fun!) [Oh there I go telling a new story!]
Okay, here's what I came up with, in no particular order...
1. Affirmations -- You are all familiar with this stand-by in the personal growth world. Using statements that reflect the circumstances, feelings, and/or events you are inviting into your life in order to shift your thinking/feeling on subjects that are other than pleasing to you. The description of myself on the right side of this page is an example.
2. Michael Beckwith -- Michael Beckwith and other New Thought practitioners teach that the universe, God, Goddess, All-That-Is, consciousness, Love, Beauty etc., etc., etc. are seeking to express through us. We are merely/wholly a vehicle through which a magnificent story is trying to be told. What is seeking to express through you?
3. Abraham -- We are vibratory beings in an attraction based universe. When we tell a new story we align our vibration with that new story and circumstances and events are drawn to us that allow that story to play out. I love Abraham and Esther Hicks. I secretly want to do what Esther does.
4. Shamanism -- Some flavors of shamanism speak of destiny lines -- an infinite number of stories that our lives might follow. Through sacred ceremony and intention you can "call in" your highest destiny, literally pulling your highest and best destiny to you. A powerful way to begin telling a new story.
5. Byron Katie -- Okay. I admit that I've not researched or experienced "The Work" on my own, but I understand that Ms. Katie is all about getting to the core of what is really true and letting go of your current story -- making way for a new story to emerge. Check her out here.
6. Choosing the better thought - This simple practice has been shown to me by a number of brilliant teachers. And its simple. In every moment you have a choice of how to think and react to your current circumstances. Each thought will either help you feel worse, or help you feel better. I like to choose the thoughts that help me feel better. Wanna join me?
7. Frequencies -- I have been working with a brilliant physics researcher over the past few months. He's found a way to shift our energy patterns through acoustic entrainment. This work allows our physical, emotional, and mental bodies to begin telling the story of health, success, and alignment with our highest good. This is some powerful and freaky stuff. I kid you not. I promise I'll have some exciting news about this work in the near future.
8. New Brain -- Yep. That's right. A New Brain. When we begin telling a new story we literally rewire our brains. Our habitual patterns of thought create actual physical grooves in our brain. Change your story. Create new grooves. Voila. New brain capable of supporting your new story.
9. Mind Movies -- Affirmations and visualizations go high-tech. I love Mind Movies. Find images and music that support your new story. Slap them together in a way that rings your bells. Watch Daily. Check out my Mind Movie on the right hand side of the page...
10. Diet -- There are so many ways your diet affects your story. Try going raw. Have a green smoothie every day. Bless your food before you eat. Try Pure Synergy or Marine Phytoplankton. When I was eating 100% raw my story took off in directions I could never have imagined. Put some new options on the menu of your life.
11. Who Am I? -- Asking and answering this question can have a powerful effect. Not just asking in a casual way, but asking and really, truly, deeply answering. Who am I? I was at a workshop in college where the facilitator asked this question of a participant repeatedly until her surface self dropped away and her true desires and true self emerged. She was never the same. Who are YOU?
12. Energy Healing -- Sometimes our thought patterns and our stories become influenced by our past or the patterns in our ancestral line. When we don't resolve painful emotions they stay lodged in our bodies and effect us in the present. So, traumas from childhood can linger with us throughout our lives. When its time to let go of the lifetime(s) of fear, sadness, disappointment, and pain you might be carrying, energy healing/vibrational medicine in all of its forms can be a God-send.
13. What would you love? -- Here's another question to ask yourself. A brilliant prompting to allow your new story to emerge. What would you love? This has become one of my favorite new mantras.
14. Letter to self -- Try writing a letter to yourself. Pretend that you are your most successful self 10 years from now. Describe your day, give advice to your present self. Bring in all the senses. What do you see, smell, hear, feel, and do each day in your new reality? What a beautiful new story. I'm gonna post my letter to myself here soon. Will you share your with me? Dear Sheri,
15. Breathe -- Taking 10 deep breaths is a brilliant way to reframe the present moment and begin to tell that new story. Learning Kundalini breathing is a great way to get energy moving so that you can manifest that new story. Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful healing modality that allows you to clear out the garbage you are carrying and glimpse what you new story has in store for you. Breath=inspiration.
16. Facebook status -- Easy-Cheesy way to start telling a new story. Pause before you enter text into that little status box. What story are you telling? Is it one you want to live? Spread the cheer. Research shows you'll have wide reaching effects.
17. Meditate -- By now everyone knows this is a good idea. I admit that I meditate more in my new story than I do currently in my life, but meditation = more control over our mind = more ability to choose better feeling thoughts = easier to tell our new story... Get it? Got it? Good!
18. Vision Board -- This is such a FUN way to tell your new story. Get out tons of magazines, search Google Images, cut up catalogs, write out inspiring quotes and put them all on a board that you look at every day. Or put it away and never look at it again. There are advocates on both sides of that fence. But in either case you are telling the story of your life in a new way. FUN, FUN, FUN!
19. Dare to dream big -- There are no limits to what you can be, do, or have. If you can imagine it you can achieve it. When you are telling your new story, tell it big! Shoot for the stars baby!
Those are just a few of the tools and techniques you can use to construct your new story. Which ones do you currently use? Which are intriguing to you? What did I leave out?
I know there are more. Share your thoughts with me. And then get out there and tell that new story!
PS -- The photo is of bottled kombucha flavors. YUMMY! I love Kombucha. And the picture is pretty :)