Friday, January 30, 2009

Agape, here I come...

I've received so much inspiration from the Agape Spiritual Center, Michael Beckwith, and Rickie BB in the past few months (even though I am 3000 miles away!) that I am including becoming a licensed practitioner in my new story.

I get chills whenever I imagine it.

This has been a long time in the making. You will never see me this way again!

Look out world, here I come!

Stay tuned for updates...

Hardwired for Bliss

Okay, stay with me on this. We'll get practical and punchy and over-the-top, radically fun really soon! There is just so much great stuff out there to support the practice of telling a new story. I hardly know where to start!

In a previous era (waaaaaaay back in 1987, LOL) I was a Molecular Genetics major at the University of Rochester. I loved studying biochem and DNA and all that cutting-edge, medical, scientific research. I fully intended to get a dual degree as an MD/Phd and pursue a career in medical research. I had the lofty goal of finding a cure for cancer.

One beautiful day in 1989 I was sitting on the academic quad and I had an irresistible urge to change my major. Long story short -- I shifted my focus to psychology, education, and healing. Seems like a major shift eh? It certainly freaked out all my geeky science friends! And yet it has all come back around for me in my current passions.

It is very clear to me now, through my education and my own life experience, that the stories we tell ourselves impact us at every level of our being. But you don't have to take my word for it. The research shows it too.

I recently read the book Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d by Candace Pert . Dr Pert, a psychopharmacologist who has taught at Johns Hopkins and worked for NIH has shown that:

" you think and feel--your emotional state at any given moment--can actually impact the movement, division, and every other activity of your cells in much the same way as your internal juices and pharmaceutical drugs do. This is a central idea of my theory of emotions, that there's a physical substrate for your feelings, just as there is for the action of drugs and their effects in your body."

So, shifting how we feel about any given situation can have as much of an impact on our physical bodies as pharmaceuticals. Its just one more reason why telling a new story is such a fabulous idea!

The best part is that her research (including information in her other book Molecules of Emotion) shows that we are actually hardwired for bliss. Our brain is organized for pleasure. We are meant to feel go(o)d.

What story are you telling today?

PS -- Feeling good may very well be the cure for cancer. Seems like I've found it even in my new story :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Opportunities abound

Today has provided me with many opportunities to tell a new story.

By all accounts I "should" feel frustrated, scared, and uncertain -- many times over. And yet I feel just fine. Fabulous, in fact.

How can that be?

[Note: I am not telling you WHY I "should" feel those scary things, because that would be telling the old story and I've trained myself very well to keep my thoughts/feelings/words to those that will support my new story]

Because I know all is well. I know that everything is working out exactly as it should. I know that everything always works out for me. I am in love with seeing how this all unfolds.

I have come a long way, baby. And it is only going to get better.

I hope that my writing here over the next few months can assist and inspire you in gaining this peace of mind.

Life is good. All is well.

Many blessings --

Friday, January 23, 2009

What's the point?

Why am I so interested in telling a new story?

Because I want to feel good. I know life is supposed to be light, easy, and joyful.

Partially it is a knowing that our thoughts and our beliefs and our vibrations create the future. But I didn't always believe this and you don't need to believe it either in order to begin telling a new story.

What if you just told a new story because it allowed you to feel better in this moment?

An example from my own life:

A few years ago I was at CVS getting asthma medication for my son. The medication cost over $250. When I focused on the cost I felt that nagging fear in the pit of my stomach. And a bit of anger mixed in. I was telling the story of greedy pharma companies, my own lack of abundance, and how things would never change. I felt a cloud of yuckiness descending upon me.

Then I remembered the calling to tell a new story...

How amazing is it that this building exists right here in my town, a place where I can get the medication my son needs at this time. And there is a trained person available to dispense the medication. And my car works well enough to get me here. And how great is it that I have the funds to pay for the medication.

Different story. Different outlook. Different feelings. Totally different day. (And if you are with me on this one -- totally different future possibilities created -- BAM!!!)

I wanna feel better now, whether or not it affects the future (hint: it does!). Life is a series of "Now"s. I'll keep telling that uplifting story, thank you very much.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How much better can it get?

The soundtrack to my new story consists mostly of recordings from Abraham-Hicks and Rev. Michael Beckwith. I find that when I surround myself with ongoing reminders of the joy that is possible in life I am much more likely to experience said joy! I listen to these recordings mostly when I am driving or cleaning the house. I can listen to them over and over and never get bored because I always manage to hear them differently each and every time. That's handy-dandy in my book!

Rev. Michael Beckwith asked a series of simple, yet powerful questions in one of the most recent recordings. Every time I hear him ask these questions I can feel my spirit opening and my energy soaring.

"How much better can it get? How much more joy can I feel? How much more abundance can I stand? How much more love is available to me? How much more fun can I have?"

Ask yourself those questions every chance you get. I dare you!

I'll share more of the secrets of my new story soon.

Hint: It has a fairy-tale ending.

Chapter One

All the spiritual teachings I have been drawn to lately are reminding me to "tell a new story" -- a story of joy and abundance, of love and lightness, of ease and grace and perfection. I am reminded that whatever story we choose to tell is the one that unfolds in front of us -- moment by moment, day by day, year by year. And I see that this is so.

This is the place where I tell my new story. The place where I share the inspiration I receive along the way. The place where I chronicle my blessed journey. Welcome.