Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Squeeze out every drop of juicy goodness

Another fantastic way to invite more blessings into your life is to squeeze every drop of juice out of all the good things that happen to you.

When something positive happens, whether it is a great parking spot, or a promotion at work, or anything in between -- make a BIG, juicy deal out of it.

Milk it for all it's worth -- and it's worth a LOT!

Esther and Jerry Hicks, law of attraction experts, talk about how they will go on and on for an hour about some "little" good thing that happened to them. They tell the story of the miracle and tell it again and retell it and tell it some more.

They say that if folks could hear them they would think they were crazy. I don't know about you, but I am willing to seem a little crazy on my way to inviting in the life of my dreams.

Can you be willing to be "crazy" about the blessings in your life?

Michael and I do this by playing the "remember when..." game.

Wanna play?

Okay, here goes...

Say "Remember when ______________________ (fill-in-the-blank-with-something-good and then ramble on about how fantastic it was and how incredibly lucky you are)

For instance:
"Remember when we went to see Stephen Colbert? And we were last in line to get in, but ended up with front row seats? Remember how I got the script that he folded into a paper airplane and autographed and threw toward the crowd? We are so lucky, the universe must be working overtime to give us the best fun ever-- every day! Remember how I still have that airplane on my desk and it brings us back to how much fun we had that day? Remember the fabulous juices we had that day? And the raw lunch at Quintessence? Remember how much we laughed at that show? And then watched the replay online after we got home and then reminisced about the whole thing again!? That was an amazing day. WOW! We were so in alignment and so in the flow. I love it!"

Or how about:
"Remember when it was so hot last week, like 95 degrees or something? And that cool breeze came up? It was as if someone turned on the air-conditioner! I felt my hair blowing back and my neck got all nice and cool. That was really amazing. It was like a little miracle. The sounds of the leaves rustling and the smell of the flowers. WOW! It was such a beautiful contrast from the heat. It reminded me of being on the beach with the ocean breezes flowing all day long. That's what it will be like to live on the ocean. WOW! I love breezes."

Try it now.

Choose an event in your life that you can put into your joy-juicer!

Squeeze out every last drop.

If you're inspired to send me a written version of your joy juice, I'd love to read/drink it!

Drink up,

PS -- My current joy juice is related to this blog. I have SO many ideas and experiences that I want to share with you all that I am practically bursting at the seams. I think I'll never run out of topics! I could write for days and days and days. Don't miss out on the upcoming posts! Remember to subscribe and tell your friends. That way we can all share our juicy new stories.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mind Movies

Have you heard of Mind Movies yet?

A Mind Movie is like a vision board set to music.

Here's mine -- in case you haven't seen it yet.

I still get chills when I view it. I have to wipe away the tears every time.

Mind Movies are an extremely effective tool to use in your quest to tell a new story.

The process of creating a Mind Movie allows you to gain clarity on what your new story will entail.

The combination of music and visuals really gets your vibration in alignment with what you are inviting into your life.

Once your movie is complete you just take a few minutes each day to watch it and get jazzed!

And that's when the magic happens!

Watching the movie each day really keeps your whole being on track with where you are headed.

Miracles will start to unfold when you really open to this new vision.

And the movies are very easy to make. The Mind Movie people sell a package that you can use if you are so inclined, but I made mine using the Window Movie Maker software that came with my computer.

First choose a song that inspires you and purchase an mp3 version of it.

Next, find images that represent the people, places, things, feeling, and ideas that you would love to invite into your life. I like to use Google Images for this purpose.

Finally, open Windows Movie Maker and have a blast!

I love making Mind Movies. I've even considered accepting commissions from folks to create their movies for them.

I'd love for you to share your movie with me :)

See you in the movies,

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Getting out of my own way

A few days ago I started to see very clearly how I have been getting in my own way.

I realized that I was beating up on myself for not already being where I know I am headed. I was beating myself up for not being the most perfect example of everything that I wish to embody.

I could give you a million examples, but here are 2 -- a tiny one and a BIG one.

Example #1 The "tiny" one-- I was beating myself up for eating two bananas in one day. Bananas are very sugary fruits and I am a "healthy" person.

So went the story from my internal judge.

That's the level of insanity I had stooped to.


As I shifted my awareness it became increasingly clear that I was chastising myself for just about everything in my life.

Every. Thing.

Example #2 The B-I-G one -- A wet blanket of heavy energy was descending on me -- and that was just "not okay" for the "telling a new story" queen. I had failed. I was a fraud. I was wanting too much out of life.

So, I tried all the techniques I knew to shift it. I tried really hard.

Really, really hard.

And I felt bad for feeling bad.

And so the cloud thickened. I couldn't find a way out no matter how many "techniques" I used to shift it.

Oh, I had little glimpses of feeling okay, even great, and I would think things were shifting (I was really attached to things shifting because feeling bad was not okay, in my judge's opinion), but the cloud would descend again as my judge reared its head.

"Two bananas in one day! Can't you use something else in that smoothie you are making on the 7th day of your juice and smoothie fast?" sneered the voice in my head.

See how it teases me?

Well, last night as I was going to sleep I had a major shift.

I decided to just see what it would feel like to say "this is how I feel now and it's okay."


Instantly the feeling shifted and I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face.

My partner Michael came into the room wondering why I was cracking up -- and I could hardly even tell him because I was laughing so hard.

My tummy hurt from all the laughing.

It was really funny!

A combination of laughing at the "joke" of how much I judged myself and laughing because I was experiencing the core of who I am -- who you are -- joy and love.

Once I made peace with where I was the energy of those dark emotions transformed immediately to overwhelming joy and love.

It was magical.

Once I stopped trying and just let myself BE everything was different.

I was so intent on feeling good that I managed to make myself feel bad.

Now, I am not saying you should just throw in the towel and live with circumstances are other than your highest calling. Don't sell yourself short!

But you can find a way to be at peace where you are in this moment -- as you open to what is unfolding for you.

Try giving yourself a break today. Love yourself where you are.

And let me know how it goes!


PS -- If you are enjoying these posts you can have them delivered right to your email address by simply entering your email address in the subscription box at the top of this pasge. Do it now :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Share Wisely

Have you ever been really, truly excited about something -- something that just makes your heart sing and feels like it will revolutionize your life?

So excited that you rush and tell your best friend or lover about this obviously fabulous idea/book/movie/food/vision for your life?

So thrilled to know that your house on the Pacific Ocean is on it's way. Beside yourself with glee to imagine living your soul's purpose each day. Just knowing that your friend/mother/lover/son will be equally enthusiastic about it.

And have you ever been met with a blank stare or a rousing "oh, that's nice dear"?

Nothing like that to put a damper on your festivities...

As you are composing your new story sometimes it's best to keep it to yourself for awhile. No need to risk the buzzkill of folks who just don't understand.

Share your new story wisely.

Sometimes folks can't handle how amazing you are. Sometimes they are scared of how much joy you can embody.

Of course, you can also start telling the story of how you have a wonderfully supportive community that rejoices in all that you are.

And if you keep pointing in that direction you'll find that too!

I would love to be that for each of you.

I see your brilliance.

I know you are capable.

I know you are here with a unique vision that will bless this planet with it's unfolding.

I love you all,

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Being Positively Love

Have you read John Randolph Price's "The Love Book" ?

In it he recounts the story of how he and his wife decided to try a 7-day experiment. They committed to love as they had never loved before.

They decided to BE love, LIVE love, and RADIATE love for 7-days.

They spoke love, meditated on love, poured love into everything they encountered.

The results were spectacular and beyond anything they imagined was possible.

"By the fifth day, the radiation was so powerful that it was felt during most of my waking hours. I should also mention that during that week we experienced more peace, contentment, and divine order than we can ever remember.

But there was more. Time seemed to work in our favor as we accomplished so much more in less time. Relationships with everyone took on a deeper meaning, visible supply moved to a higher level, guidance dreams were of greater frequency and clarity, and the vision of our purpose expanded considerably. Love is...the greatest secret in the universe"

I'm giving it a try this week. Care to join me?

It started out as an intention to only speak positive words, but I am inspired to make it bigger.

I am going to be love, speak love, radiate love, allow love.

Love everything.

You can play too!

Send love to the car that gets you to work.

Beam love to the mug that delivers the smoothie to your mouth.

Love the bacon cheeseburger you are eating.

Snuggle into love in the bed where you sleep.

Speak lovingly to your lover.

Pour love into your body.

You can even love yourself for feeling other than loving in any given moment.

Love yourself for doing even 10-minutes of this experiment.

Love yourself for deciding not to do it.

I love you,

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Be Here Now

Ram Dass' words "Be Here Now" are guiding my thoughts today.

I want to share some things that have been swimming through my brain the last few hours.

First off...I'm no "expert"

Meaning, I'm not off in some distant location telling you how to live your life. It's not as if I've already "made it" to some faraway destination long ago and I am giving you the sure-fire way to join me in bliss-land.

We're walking the path together.

I'm right here living it all with you. The ups and downs. The ins and outs. The joy and the pain.

I'm writing this blog mostly for my own growth, alignment, joy, and inspiration. But, heck, if it helps anyone along the way, I am thrilled.

And I do my best to offer the cream of the crops of the tips, techniques, and words of inspiration that I have encountered. And, you know, I think I am doing a pretty good job, based on the feedback I've been getting from you (and from my own sense of joy in offering these posts)

Now that we have THAT out of the way...

Here's the thing -- as I am Telling A New Story sometimes I notice the tendency to start beating myself up for not being there yet.

Does that happen to you too?

Sometimes I notice that I am living my life in fear that the new story will never unfold.

Sometimes I feel like pulling it all back in -- all the potentials, all the dreams, all the unfolding beauty-- because if I dream big and I "fail" then I'll live a life of depression and despair. And it might just feel better to never have dreamed at all.

But I know better than that.

I know that life is supposed to feel good. Not just good, but fabulous. Joyful and ecstatic.

Anything else is just us getting in the way of ourselves. Old programming broadcasting and blocking out the signal of our souls.

[Reminder: I am really just telling myself what I need to hear right now. Just a personal note to myself out here in cyber-space-- though, I hope it is enlightening to you as well]

If you are telling the new story and then feeling bad that it hasn't unfolded in your physical reality yet, then you are keeping it from unfolding.

If you are beating yourself up for being where you are now instead of where your new story is leading you, then you've lost your way.

You will ALWAYS have a new story calling you. You will never ARRIVE. There is always more to be and do and have.

And that's the good news.

When life stops calling you forward that's when you start dying. And I plan to call forth as much joy as I can contain in this lifetime.

And in the meantime, I am willing to feel fabulous about where I am now.

I am willing to look at how far I have come. I am willing to celebrate my successes, rather than listing my "haven't quite gotten there yet"s.

I am willing to know that I am perfect right where I am. That I am worthy just because I exist. I don't have to "do" anything or prove anything in order to love and be loved.

Are you willing to do the same?



Take a moment to tune into your heart. Breathe deeply.

Find that place beneath all the pain and emotional hurt and self-judgement. Beneath all the stories you tell yourself about why you are not worthy of joy, bliss, and ecstasy.

Breathe again.

Feel the truth of who you are. A brilliant light in the world. A walking container for joy.

Tune into the peace behind all the chatter. Allow your true self to shine. Even for a second.

Doesn't that feel better?

I love you,


Monday, April 13, 2009

Popping out all over!





Whew! I am bursting at the seams here. I made the intention today to just be slow.

No distractions.

And now the ideas and the energies are just going wild!

I feel the energy moving through me so strongly and I wish I had a pipeline and could flow some your way. Hence the two posts in one day!

(Of course, you have access to that same pipeline so you don't need me to send it anywhere)

I can feel the shifts happening in my life. I can feel my life's purpose unfolding.

I am enjoying the journey.

I am loving watching it all unfold.

Look out world, here I come!

I KNOW that as long as I hold the vision the universe will HAVE TO yield it all to me.

Life is grand.

Thank you for being with me on this journey.

(You do know that if you are reading this you are now on this same journey to joy and bliss and ecstasy, don't you? You can't put the cat back in the bag now that you know it is possible. HA!)

Love is you,

PS -- Yesterday Michael Beckwith wrote on my Facebook wall a few times and read my blogpost about becoming a practitioner at Agape. He welcomed me to a life of service. This is surely a sign that all is unfolding for me. You've gotta milk all those good things for all they are worth! THAT'S telling the new story!

Who's story are you telling?

I like to check in with myself every now and then just to see who's story I am telling.

Am I telling the story of my strengths and capabilities?

Or am I telling the story that I heard about myself when I was 5?

Am I telling the story of my beautiful, slender, healthy body?

Or am I telling the story about my "fat" body that I was told when I was 12?

Am I telling the story that I am safe, abundant, and perfect the way I am?

Or am I telling the story the media feeds to me?

Am I telling the story of my love, joy, bliss, and ever expanding good?

Or am I believing the old crappy, grumpy, depressed, sad, emotions that are clearing out to make way for my true being?

Am I telling the story that eminates from my soul?

Or am I telling the story of everyone else around me?

Who's story are you telling?

In my story you are a brilliant gift to the universe.

I love you,


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"How" is none of your business...

Here's another little Telling A New Story tip for you.

"How" is none of your business.

(It's none of MY business either.)

Your new story has some elements in it that are quite different from what you are currently living.

Am I correct?

You want to make what seem like some pretty major shifts, right?

So, let's say, hypothetically, that you are currently living in Southeastern New York.

Your job is here. Your family is here. Your friends are here. You are pretty well rooted here.

And let's say, hypothetically, that your new story has you living in San Diego, or even just north in Del Mar.

Maybe you are even dreaming of moving into this house. Or an equally lovely one.

There are countless elements that would need to line up for this all to happen in a way that feels good.

May seem impossible to some.

And you could, like most of us, get obsessed with the details of "how" this could all possibly unfold.

But I have learned that "HOW" is none of our business.

Let go of "HOW".

Most of the time the "how" is going to unfold in ways that you cannot even imagine from your very limited perspective.

And you worrying (or even thinking about) "how" just cuts you off from the natural flow of the universal energies.

"How" just puts you in a place of feeling doubtful.

"How" drains your joy about the unfolding of the story.

Focusing on "how" will keep your story from unfolding.

So, leave "how" out of the equation.

Try saying this "I don't know how our move to Del Mar will unfold, but I know it will be even better than I can imagine." [um, well, insert your own new story element, LOL!]

Remember that our words and our intentions and our emotions all create our future reality.

Find ways to feel good about what you are wanting and increase your knowingness that it will unfold.

Just don't concern yourself with the "how."

The "how" will knock your socks off.

I guarantee it.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Telling the Old Story in a New Way

So, what do you do when the Old Story rears its ugly head?

Like mine has been the last 2 days or more.

You know the drill, right?

The little voice in your head starts babbling the OLD STORY:

"You're just fooling yourself. There's no chance you'll ever amount to anything. Life is just full of stuff you gotta do and wanting time for anything else is selfish. Who are you to think you deserve anything more? This is just THE WAY IT IS!!! Everything sucks. Nothing is working out. Why am I even trying anyway? Wouldn't it be better to just accept things as they are and never want for anything more?...




The old story holds you hostage.

So, what DO you do?

First thing to do is to recognize that you are stuck in the old story.

A million points to you for being brilliant enough to see that the old story is rearing its ugly head.

That alone often works wonders (or I wouldn't be writing a whole blog on how to do that), but sometimes that old story is rather, um, stubborn.

So, what else can you do?

What I do is simple.

I start finding ways to love the old story.

Focus on the good things in the NOW.

Allow the old story to start rearing its beautiful head.

You can ALWAYS find things to love and appreciate right now.

Focus on what is right and good with you right now -- or get downright tricky and start reliving some fabulous moment from 1987.

So, my new version of the "old story" goes something like this [I'm doing this in real time folks. You are witnessing me shifting my story in the moment. Hold on to your hats!]:

"This is a comfortable shirt I am wearing. I really like how the fabric feels against my skin. And, oh, I am wearing my favorite pink quartz angel necklace. Oh! And my sweet love will be home this afternoon and we'll have a lot of time to snuggle. I LOVE snuggling. I am on my way to swap sessions with an old friend and I can already feel the energy of the beneficial effects. Hey, I am starting to smile a bit. I know the old story is just an old story. It will shift as I really allow it to shift. OH! Remember the beach in Del Mar? And the swings? Living there will be beyond fabulous, but how will...oops don't go there, shifting my focus...I love writing this blog and allowing the spirit of joy to move through me. Feeling better already. Thanks me!"

Be the love you are,

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Every Day Miracles

Funny how when you start expecting miracles you start seeing miracles everywhere.

Everyday Miracles.

Miracles Each and Every Day.

Little things begin to catch your eye and remind you that all is well.

Like the license plate that says "Expect Miracles."

Like all the San Diego connections I am attracting now. People. Places. Things.

It's almost spooky...

Michael and I used to play a little game in bed each morning. One of us would ask in a sing-songy voice "What are you expecting today?" and the other would answer "Miracles" in an equally lilting manner.

It was fun and quirky.

And it worked.

Try it.

You can increase the effectiveness of the game by being grateful for all the miracles you experience throughout the day. I often recount the day's miracles as I snuggle in for the night.

I remarked to Michael the other day that I really believe in my core now that the universe is a benevolent force that WANTS to give me everything I desire. And I act on that knowing.

For years I was parroting that idea without it really sinking into my bones.

I've got it now.

I love watching it unfold daily.

Care to join me?