Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I'm obsessed...

Obsessed with our visit to Del Mar.

Obsessed with fabulous superfoods.

Obsessed with having fun with my boys.

Obsessed with being in love with Michael.

Obsessed with listening to chants from the Agape International Choir.

Obsessed with tender kisses.

Obsessed with ocean waves right outside our door.

Obsessed with opening my heart.

Obsessed with being a beacon of joy and love and inspiration.

Obsessed with the perfect flow of abundance and prosperity that I experience on a daily basis.

Obsessed with 1750 Oceanfront Avenue, Del Mar, CA.

We want you to become obsessed with the best parts of your life.

If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, which means:

you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;
until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come.

If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want.

But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want, and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world to help you get to where you think you want to be.

Abraham Workshop
Los Angeles
August 17, 2008

What are you obsessed with?

All the joy you deserve,

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Peep peep...

Shift your paradigm. Be amazed at what is outside of the egg!

All love,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a HIP new story

This morning I woke up with a beautiful chant going through my head -- "Blessed Always" by Ricki BB and the Agape International Choir.

I love when that happens!!!!!

It was going to be one of those beautiful joy-filled days of letting spirit move through me.

As I was returning from taking my son to school I started feeling this heavy blanket of sadness. CRUD! More clearing work to do...

I wasn't really in the mood to "go there", but I knew better than to fight it. Let it flow and all will be well.

So, my precious Michael gently held me in his arms as I sobbed. He whispered reassuring words into my ear.

For some reason I started down the path of telling the story of "too much emotional clearing" and "wasting the day with this crap"


And then as we stood together in a sweet embrace, Michael began to gently rock me. Instantly I began to laugh and feel joy spring forth from the depths of my being.


That's all I needed...

A HIP new story.

As my hips open up every so slightly with our gentle dance, all the sadness lifted and I could access the joy of my true being.

Actually, I couldn't KEEP from accessing the joy of my being. I was laughing from deep in my belly. All sadness vanished.

The experience was another precious reminder to me that we need to honor our physical bodies and help them tell the story of ease and grace and fluidity.

Holding on the the old story in my body will confine me to telling the old story in other areas of my life.

I've noticed over the past few months that every time I stretch my hip area I experience uncontrollable peals of laughter. My family usually thinks I've gone mad. I know I've just become more of who I truly am.

My new story includes time for stretching and opening my hips EVERY day!

Might you love a HIP new story?

All the joy you are,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Who Are You?

Who are you?

That's the question I would love for you to reflect on in this moment.

Ask yourself -- Who am I?

What was the first thing that came to mind when you answered that question?

What is the general feeling tone you get when you reflect on your self?

Do you see yourself as a limited being, trudging your way through a world filled with problems and obstacles?

Many of us tell that story.

There are oodles of approaches to telling a new story.

So far I've focused in this blog mostly on telling the story of things one might want, or circumstances that one might like to create.

Today I want you to open to a new way of seeing yourself.

What if you were able to shift the core feeling tone you have about your self?

What if this quote from Michael Beckwith was true? (I know it is true for you!)

“I believe that you’re great, that there’s something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly, this something that is within you, this power within you that’s greater than the world, it will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you, it will clothe you, it will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence. If you let it! Now that is what I know, for sure.”

I dare you to start telling an uplifting story of who you ACTUALLY are.

Let go of the notion that you are anything other than love incarnate.

Step into the perfection of all-that-is.

You. Are. Love.
You. Are. Perfection.
You. Are. Joy.

Breathe that in.

Wishing you all the love, perfection, and joy that you are,

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fiddle your way to bliss!

Here's a fabulous example of new story telling from a friend of mine.


Carol Taktikian decided one morning that she was a brilliant fiddler. Read on and be astounded by her account of what happened:

"Ok you guys, This is gonna rock your world.

I decided yesterday morning that today I am going to walk the walk of someone who is an awesome fiddle player. I have seen many, DC from this list being one.

Our group, The Possum Pickers, were scheduled to do a contra dance after a round of classes at a Pioneer Settlement near my home. I went to my fiddle class walking the walk and it ended up being me and 3 other long time fiddle players of like 30 years experience each.

I walked in with my 2 and 1/2 yrs experience like I was one of them. I can tell you in the not so distant past, I would have felt very intimidated and probably been so self conscious that I wouldn't have learned a thing. But no, I was walking the walk that day... and yes, I kept right up with them and learned everything they learned.

I came out of that class on cloud nine. I was dancing around like a crazy person and my friend said......boy that must have been some class. lol

But no, thats not the best part at all. It got better!

When it was time for us to get on stage and start the dance.....I noticed some commotion and over heard our lead fiddle player saying he had an emergency at his house and had to go. I didn't think much of it until we all sat down to play and instead of me playing the guitar.........they all looked at me to lead, yes oh yes......ON THE FIDDLE.

I lead on the fiddle and never felt so good, or more confident in my whole life. I was so glad I didn't know about it until the last minute, because I didn't have time to worry that I wouldn't be able to handle it.

But I did handle it and I did a fantastic job! I just KNEW it was the next logical step. I knew the Universe lined it up for me.....because I was walking the walk of a great fiddle player that day. And I can promise you that I will walk this same walk every single day for the rest of my life!!!!

I can barely wait to try a different walk. Oh what fun! Thank you so much W for suggesting this game. IT WORKS LIKE A MAGIC CHARM.

But I know, deep inside me that it was my vibrational "walk" that did the trick. I am still soaring........YaHoooooooooo

And by the way, the emergency turned out to only be a loss of electricity, which set off some alarms or something, so it was nothing serious. So, get out there you guys, and walk the walk.

One Happy, Happy girl, Carol"

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Where I am headed...

I just finished listening to a segment of an Abraham-Hicks workshop from Oahu, Hawaii on 11/29/08. I highly recommend the entire CD-set. I was guided to this particular workshop and I love myself for following that guidance -- wowza!

Hooray for me :)

Today while returning from the best breakfast ever with my 11 year-old son (Happy Birthday Colin!) I was especially inspired by a particular segment.

A man on the CD says he lives in Texas currently and that he wants to move to a certain street in Honolulu. He asks Abraham if he should just start telling people that he lives in Hawaii. In response Abraham offers advice on how to tell your new story if you don't quite believe the whole story yet.

The idea was to let people know you are in transition (whether it is in regard to employment, relationships, finances, or WHATEVER!) and let them know the story of where you are headed.

When Abraham finished the description of the new story for this man I was so jazzed I was beaming from ear to ear and my heart was shining in all directions.

I was G-L-O-W-I-N-G!

This was a fabulous story of a person who currently has some things in Texas, but was totally on his way to his life on a particular street in Honolulu.

And then, as if to just throw me over the edge, the next person who steps up to speak with Abraham at the workshop starts out by saying that lived in Texas a year ago, but now LIVES ON THAT SAME STREET IN HAWAII!


How much better can it get?!

So, I decided to utilize that story telling device and tell you all about the unfolding of my fabulously inspired career.

Here's my new answer for when people ask me what I do:

Well, currently I am in a transformational phase.

I've been studying and experiencing some of the best tools to assist people with their personal and spiritual growth for the past 15 years.

And I love them all.

I am working a few odd jobs at the moment. But I am on my way to synthesizing all my experiences so that I can become a wildly inspirational guide for people wanting to live their fullest potential.

In my heart of hearts I know I am here to inspire people to live the life of their dreams. To empower people to take the next step toward their soul's purpose. I love nothing more than setting an example of bliss, freedom, and joy so that people can get a whiff of what is possible in life.

So, in the not-too-distant future you will see that most of my daily activities are focused in this direction and that abundance will be flowing to me through these activities and through avenues that I can't even imagine right now.

My main job is to feel the joy and ecstasy of life and to BE that example for others. I wake up each morning knowing it can be another day of joy and bliss and connection to my source.

And when others see me living this way they will ask "How do you do that?" and I will open my heart and my soul and share what I know.

And the world will be a brighter place.

And as they agree to open to their potential and they face the clearing of old emotions and patterns I will be there to guide them and hold space for them as it clears.

I will see their light and their truth and will hold that vibration for them.

That's what I do. Aren't you glad you asked?

Keep those cards and letters coming! I love hearing from you.


Monday, March 2, 2009

A Bun Dance

I am engaging in A-Bun-Dance.

Another chapter in my fabulous new story.

Won't you join me?

My teacher, mentor, and friend Joe Monkman recently asked for examples of affirmations that people were using in their lives. So I am taking this opportunity to create my own affirmation around prosperity and abundance.

It has been an interesting exercise for me. Even though I am in a phase of my life where I have plenty of everything I need --and more keeps pouring to me and through me on a daily basis-- occasionally I still feel those pangs of fear and twisting in the pit of my stomach as I balance my checkbook and make financial plans.

But that's okay.

I am starting right where I am with the knowledge that I can and will release those feelings and move toward being even more in alignment with my new story.

You can too! I hope you will join me in writing your story of A Bun Dance.

I know and recognize that there is only One Power, one Absolute Source, one Divine Spirit. I know and feel in my heart and soul that I am one with the Divine Spirit of All-That-Is. I realize that money and resources, prosperity and opulence are flowing to me in a powerful stream. I give thanks for the abundance that has already flowed to me as well as all that is flowing to me now and all that will flow to me in the future. It is done. It is so!

I love my new affirmation for so many reasons.

I feel fabulous when I read it and speak it. I KNOW it is true and I look forward to the journey of its continued unfolding.

What story are you telling today?

Abundantly yours,


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Go Lucky

Haven't seen this movie yet, but you can bet it is on the top of my Netflix queue now that I've heard about it!


Let me know how much you love it. :)