Friday, February 27, 2009

News Flash

Here ye, here ye...

I'm back in the saddle again!

Yes, even the new story goddess has her other-than-fabulous days. LOL!

But that's okay.

Over the last little while I experienced some emotional ups and downs that were very uncomfortable and without explanation. It was a beautiful opportunity to get clear about how I truly wanted to feel.

A few days ago I decided to have an energy clearing session with Jeanette Wilson. She's a friend and colleague of Michael's.

What a HUGE difference just one session made! She's my new hero.

Jeanette was able to pick up on and clear core limiting beliefs that I had been trying to shift for years.

She cleared me of the feeling of being a burden on everyone in my life and the feeling that I was not safe in the world. Not too shabby for one session.

And she strengthened my ability to shine my light in the world and helped me to release the feeling of needing to dim my light so that others would feel comfortable. This one might take some more reinforcement, but I am getting there!

There were so many layers to the session that it would take me hours to write it all out. Long story short, it was amazing or I wouldn't be sharing it with you.

I felt like I completely new woman after the session. I was bouncy and inspired and shining from the heart once again. Hooray for energy clearing!

Remember that energy clearing is one of our 32 Flavors of Telling A New Story.

When we remember the tools we have available to us and put them to use, we can always feel relief. And eventually we can bring it back around to joy and bliss.

Here's the thing. Its okay to be feeling "off". And its even okay to tell that story for a bit.

Get clear on where you are now.


But don't stop there. Don't keep beating that drum.

Bring it back around to the truth -- little by little if need be.

I had another opportunity to practice Telling A New Story yesterday. Hooray for opportunities to practice!

I was getting ready to go in to one of my jobs. And I was resisting it. The old feelings of "will-anything-ever-get-any-better-for-me-and-will-I-ever-feel-truly-inspired-and-be-inspiring-others-and-have-a-career-that-allows-all-of-my-brilliance-to-shine-or-will-I-just-be-working-in-places-that-are-way-below-what-I-am-capable-of-and-slowly-dying-inside" Yeah, it was a heavy day.

But that's okay.

Sometimes when the first glimmers of that feeling come up for me at work I play a little game. (I currently work at a bookstore/coffeehouse a few days a week.) I pretend I am God serving God to God. Dr. Michael Beckwith suggested this in one of his sermons and it has been a blessing for me nearly every day that I am at work.

Yesterday that heavy energy was stronger than normal and the little game was not enough. I was in a FUNK.

But that's okay.

How did I shift those feelings?

Do you know that story that Abe tells? If you are driving from Phoenix to San Diego and you are half-way there, in Yuma, do you start complaining that you are in Yuma and how you'll never get to San Diego and then turn around and go back to Phoenix?

Or do you stay pointed toward San Diego and know that as long as you keep pointed in that direction you will eventually get to San Diego?

Its the same thing with our lives...keep telling the story of where you're headed, even if you're not there yet!

Heh, the great thing is that we're actually headed to San Diego in a little over week. What a great metaphor! We're on the way baby!

With the support of my amazing partner Michael, yesterday I was able to shift that feeling of being "stuck in Yuma" within a short time and continue on my way to San Diego.

First of all, I resisted the temptation to beat myself up for feeling bad.

Next I let the emotions flow and began telling the story as I currently felt it. Then I began shifting that story into one that was closer to what I am wanting to create in my life.

With Michael's beautiful support and love I began to shift my internal dialogue. I kept reaching for thoughts that felt like they were pointing me toward San Diego (where I want to go) rather than sending me back to Phoenix (the place I am moving from).

So, now you know that the "Telling A New Story" Queen isn't always sunshine, lollipops and roses.

But that's okay.

I just keep pointing toward San Diego and enjoying the journey.

Send me your address and I'll send you a postcard from San Diego :)

Shining brightly,


Sunday, February 22, 2009

32 Flavors

This just came to me in the shower. There must be 32 Flavors of Telling A New Story.

Here's what I mean -- there are oodles of reasons to tell a new story, a whole lotta frameworks to guide your storytelling, and gazillions of methods you can use to construct your new script.


Perhaps I am exaggerating.

Or then again.

Maybe Not.

Actually, I am sure there are at least 32 "flavors" of telling new stories. I'll start a list of the ones I can think of and maybe you can help me add to them.

The descriptions here will need to be shorter than I'd love -- otherwise this would become a book. (Oh, note to self: writing a book might be fun!) [Oh there I go telling a new story!]

Okay, here's what I came up with, in no particular order...

1. Affirmations -- You are all familiar with this stand-by in the personal growth world. Using statements that reflect the circumstances, feelings, and/or events you are inviting into your life in order to shift your thinking/feeling on subjects that are other than pleasing to you. The description of myself on the right side of this page is an example.

2. Michael Beckwith -- Michael Beckwith and other New Thought practitioners teach that the universe, God, Goddess, All-That-Is, consciousness, Love, Beauty etc., etc., etc. are seeking to express through us. We are merely/wholly a vehicle through which a magnificent story is trying to be told. What is seeking to express through you?

3. Abraham -- We are vibratory beings in an attraction based universe. When we tell a new story we align our vibration with that new story and circumstances and events are drawn to us that allow that story to play out. I love Abraham and Esther Hicks. I secretly want to do what Esther does.

4. Shamanism -- Some flavors of shamanism speak of destiny lines -- an infinite number of stories that our lives might follow. Through sacred ceremony and intention you can "call in" your highest destiny, literally pulling your highest and best destiny to you. A powerful way to begin telling a new story.

5. Byron Katie -- Okay. I admit that I've not researched or experienced "The Work" on my own, but I understand that Ms. Katie is all about getting to the core of what is really true and letting go of your current story -- making way for a new story to emerge. Check her out here.

6. Choosing the better thought - This simple practice has been shown to me by a number of brilliant teachers. And its simple. In every moment you have a choice of how to think and react to your current circumstances. Each thought will either help you feel worse, or help you feel better. I like to choose the thoughts that help me feel better. Wanna join me?

7. Frequencies -- I have been working with a brilliant physics researcher over the past few months. He's found a way to shift our energy patterns through acoustic entrainment. This work allows our physical, emotional, and mental bodies to begin telling the story of health, success, and alignment with our highest good. This is some powerful and freaky stuff. I kid you not. I promise I'll have some exciting news about this work in the near future.

8. New Brain -- Yep. That's right. A New Brain. When we begin telling a new story we literally rewire our brains. Our habitual patterns of thought create actual physical grooves in our brain. Change your story. Create new grooves. Voila. New brain capable of supporting your new story.

9. Mind Movies -- Affirmations and visualizations go high-tech. I love Mind Movies. Find images and music that support your new story. Slap them together in a way that rings your bells. Watch Daily. Check out my Mind Movie on the right hand side of the page...

10. Diet -- There are so many ways your diet affects your story. Try going raw. Have a green smoothie every day. Bless your food before you eat. Try Pure Synergy or Marine Phytoplankton. When I was eating 100% raw my story took off in directions I could never have imagined. Put some new options on the menu of your life.

11. Who Am I? -- Asking and answering this question can have a powerful effect. Not just asking in a casual way, but asking and really, truly, deeply answering. Who am I? I was at a workshop in college where the facilitator asked this question of a participant repeatedly until her surface self dropped away and her true desires and true self emerged. She was never the same. Who are YOU?

12. Energy Healing -- Sometimes our thought patterns and our stories become influenced by our past or the patterns in our ancestral line. When we don't resolve painful emotions they stay lodged in our bodies and effect us in the present. So, traumas from childhood can linger with us throughout our lives. When its time to let go of the lifetime(s) of fear, sadness, disappointment, and pain you might be carrying, energy healing/vibrational medicine in all of its forms can be a God-send.

13. What would you love? -- Here's another question to ask yourself. A brilliant prompting to allow your new story to emerge. What would you love? This has become one of my favorite new mantras.

14. Letter to self -- Try writing a letter to yourself. Pretend that you are your most successful self 10 years from now. Describe your day, give advice to your present self. Bring in all the senses. What do you see, smell, hear, feel, and do each day in your new reality? What a beautiful new story. I'm gonna post my letter to myself here soon. Will you share your with me? Dear Sheri,

15. Breathe -- Taking 10 deep breaths is a brilliant way to reframe the present moment and begin to tell that new story. Learning Kundalini breathing is a great way to get energy moving so that you can manifest that new story. Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful healing modality that allows you to clear out the garbage you are carrying and glimpse what you new story has in store for you. Breath=inspiration.

16. Facebook status -- Easy-Cheesy way to start telling a new story. Pause before you enter text into that little status box. What story are you telling? Is it one you want to live? Spread the cheer. Research shows you'll have wide reaching effects.

17. Meditate -- By now everyone knows this is a good idea. I admit that I meditate more in my new story than I do currently in my life, but meditation = more control over our mind = more ability to choose better feeling thoughts = easier to tell our new story... Get it? Got it? Good!

18. Vision Board -- This is such a FUN way to tell your new story. Get out tons of magazines, search Google Images, cut up catalogs, write out inspiring quotes and put them all on a board that you look at every day. Or put it away and never look at it again. There are advocates on both sides of that fence. But in either case you are telling the story of your life in a new way. FUN, FUN, FUN!

19. Dare to dream big -- There are no limits to what you can be, do, or have. If you can imagine it you can achieve it. When you are telling your new story, tell it big! Shoot for the stars baby!

Those are just a few of the tools and techniques you can use to construct your new story. Which ones do you currently use? Which are intriguing to you? What did I leave out?

I know there are more. Share your thoughts with me. And then get out there and tell that new story!

PS -- The photo is of bottled kombucha flavors. YUMMY! I love Kombucha. And the picture is pretty :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Choose joy

Have you taken the opportunity to become aware of your current story? What is it?

Is it a tale of woe?

A fairy tale?

Or a horror movie?

How about a story of endless miracles?

A montage of all of the above?

How we frame our story ALWAYS affects the way it plays out.

What if you took the opportunity to reframe your story?

What if the beginning of your story went something like this: "And I woke up to know deep in my soul that this was indeed the BEST DAY EVER!"?

Or even: "And I woke up this morning intending to find reasons to feel the best I possibly could!"

How would that feel?

A little different than: "Oh geez another day in this mess of a life. Why don't I just go back to sleep..."

You don't even have to wait until you wake up tomorrow morning to start this you know! You can start right now :)

This outlook WILL shift your entire day. I promise.

And what if you knew the ending went something like this: "...because everything always works out for me."

That might really affect the story as it unfolded, yes?

I invite you to try it. And let me know how it goes.

I'll be back with more personal examples from my fairy-tale life very soon!

Until then, BEST DAY EVER to you!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's your story?

Just a question or two before I run out the door...

What is your story today?

What does the voice-over of your life sound like right now?

Who's writing your story at the moment -- Hitchcock or Disney?

Are you full of "if onlys"? (If only I had a better partner I could do this, if only I had enough money, if only I had a better job, if only my children would...)

Just notice.

And accept.

That's the first chapter of your new story.

Loving you all,

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Follow Me

I've just gotta say that I am busting at the seams with over-the-top, fun and funky, better-than-you-could-imagine, possibly-weirder-than-you-might-be-used-to stuff I want to share with you all.

I am in the flow. I've hit my stride. Every day is better than the next.

So, glance over to the right of your screen and become a follower of "Telling A New Story" so you don't miss a beat!

Or you can subscribe and have new posts delivered right to your email address.

'til next time, keep telling that fabulous story of joy and bliss!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

My magical week of miracles...

I've had an incredible couple of weeks. Its been almost surreal. Miracles every day!

Some of the best examples...

A few days ago I won a $200 gift certificate to Pure Food and Wine through a contest that Shazzie Love sponsored in honor of her 40th birthday. My entry detailed the miracle of meeting the love of my life and the magical shifts I experienced from eating raw foods.

Yesterday I manifested a free bouquet of beautiful white tulips while I was walking down the street in Amherst MA -- someone I never met literally put them into my hands and said "I want you to have these."

And if you read my earlier post you know that Michael and I are headed to San Diego next month for a magical beach vacation.

People began approaching me at work telling me they had "randomly" seen my business cards and wanted to talk to me about my energy healing work.

I could go on and on listing the smaller miracles that have come my way every day-- including my work schedule "magically" shifting to exactly what I was wishing for.

How did I do this you might ask?

I just kept telling the story of where I was headed. I let go of the drama of the present moment. I let go of the "truth" that I was struggling financially. I let go of the "truth" that things were difficult for me.

I kept knowing and speaking the truth that I would win the gift certificate. I kept telling people that I was going to the beach this winter. I had NO IDEA how either of these would manifest, yet I just kept telling the story.

But there is more...I knew I needed to really hold that feeling good space...

I surrounded myself every day with uplifting messages of the Truth of my existence. I didn't leave any room in my being for the negative messages.

My MP3 player is loaded with the most amazing reminders from from Dr. Michael Beckwith and Abraham.

I've been diligent about posting magical, uplifting "status" posts on my Facebook account. So much so that people began accusing me of being a character from High School Musical. What does it say about our society that people who express too much joy are considered to be unreal?

Its all good though, I know I can live a life of joy and bliss whether or not others approve!

To be honest, I've been following Esther Hicks and Abraham since 2001. Its only recently that I've truly gotten the message that I only need to begin telling a new story.

I've been telling that new story for just a few short months now and I'll tell you now, things are shifting BIG time! That's why I am sharing this with you. I want us all to be able to shift into that dimension where miracles are the order of the day.

Will you join me?

This message might open you to that new reality...


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Abraham Says...

As I've mentioned before, Esther Hicks and Abraham are among my all time favorite teachers and sources of inspiration. Here's a quick quote from Abe on telling a new story.


"Just describe it until it moves you emotionally and then the Universe has to deliver it to you. You've been a little too practical, we want you to stop facing reality. Get over that what-is-itis and start telling it as you want it to be. Your stories must be based on how you want it to be, not how things are. That's the way you give up control. When you talk about how things are, you can't help but try to get in there and figure out what to do about it. When you tell the story of what's becoming, you give up control of what is because you can't be out there in your future controlling it. It will automatically cause you to release those gripping, resistant, controlling hands and it put you in the care of the universal forces that create worlds."

San Francisco, 8/10/08

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wouldn't it be nice if...?

I have a game for you.

Do you like games?


The game is called "Wouldn't It Be Nice If?" and it is inspired by one of my favorite teachers, Abraham-Hicks.

It is very simple to play. You just say "wouldn't it be nice if ______?" and fill in the blank with something you'd love to have in your life -- and then forget about it. That's all.

This simple question works miracles. Try it!

Go ahead, do it now...I'll wait!

Wouldn't it be nice if...?

Go ahead, do it. Say it out loud or in your head. Its all the same.

Now soak in the feeling.

This game works because it allows you to be in the feeling state of what you desire without all the other crap that can come up, like "how could that happen? Or "I don't deserve that." Or "Yeah right..."

And it does work.

Before I even knew about the game I was playing it and having great success. I just didn't fully realize it until the miracles started to add up.

Seriously, over the years I would offer offhand comments about things I wanted to have in my life -- and then when the perfect moment arrived, so did the manifestations.

Here are just a few of the best things I created with this game:

- The perfect school for my sons. A place where they get to tell their own story every minute of every day. I just said one day how it would be great to have a Sudbury School in the area and I let it go. Several years later through a series of "weird coincidences" I met up with a group who was starting such a school and voila!

- I used to "joke" with folks that I could eat all raw food if I just had someone who was willing to do the prep with me. And how great it would be to have a live-in energy healer. And I had many conversations with my close friend where I essentially said "Wouldn't it be nice to have a partner who was on a similar spiritual path, did healing work, was into being very conscious in our relationship, and with whom I could travel and teach classes." Voila, through a series of "weird coincidences" I met the love of my life, Michael. He's "all that" and MORE!

- I mentioned to Michael (when we were living 175 miles apart) that I thought it would be nice to have an extra car. Within weeks, he was the owner of a new car, for free.

- Back in December I said to Michael wouldn't it be nice to be on the beach in a warm place this winter. I had no idea how it would happen, but I actually felt very confident that it would unfold. Shockingly, through a series of "weird coincidences", we have the opportunity to be spend 5 nights right on the beach in San Diego next month! All you Abers out there know the significance of San Diego. (I'll share the San Diego story with the rest of you soon!)

The common thread in all of these was that I made lighthearted comments about things I would love to have in my life and then I released the thoughts.

Weird coincidences ensued.

And miracles unfolded.

I could never have predicted the means through which any of these would manifest.

Life is supposed to be good.

Wouldn't it be nice if...?

Give it a try.

Your new story is calling...