Friday, January 23, 2009

What's the point?

Why am I so interested in telling a new story?

Because I want to feel good. I know life is supposed to be light, easy, and joyful.

Partially it is a knowing that our thoughts and our beliefs and our vibrations create the future. But I didn't always believe this and you don't need to believe it either in order to begin telling a new story.

What if you just told a new story because it allowed you to feel better in this moment?

An example from my own life:

A few years ago I was at CVS getting asthma medication for my son. The medication cost over $250. When I focused on the cost I felt that nagging fear in the pit of my stomach. And a bit of anger mixed in. I was telling the story of greedy pharma companies, my own lack of abundance, and how things would never change. I felt a cloud of yuckiness descending upon me.

Then I remembered the calling to tell a new story...

How amazing is it that this building exists right here in my town, a place where I can get the medication my son needs at this time. And there is a trained person available to dispense the medication. And my car works well enough to get me here. And how great is it that I have the funds to pay for the medication.

Different story. Different outlook. Different feelings. Totally different day. (And if you are with me on this one -- totally different future possibilities created -- BAM!!!)

I wanna feel better now, whether or not it affects the future (hint: it does!). Life is a series of "Now"s. I'll keep telling that uplifting story, thank you very much.

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